Screen Test Footage Of Actors Who Didn’t Get Iconic Roles

Mason Weigel
Updated November 9, 2023 57.2K views 14 items
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Vote up the actors you wished you could've seen in those roles.

Every actor knows the pain of auditioning. It's a constant cycle of hope, fear, and inevitable rejection for even the most talented of stars. However, for some actors, there reaches a point where auditions are no longer necessary and we can hardly imagine anyone turning them down for a part. There are some roles that we so closely associate with an actor (James Bond, Indiana Jones, Iron Man) that they're now iconic, and it's nearly impossible to picture anyone else in the role.

On the flip side, though, it may shock you that some actors who didn't get iconic roles went on to be big stars. These are examples of actors who didn't get the part. While normally the footage from auditions or screen tests are hidden from the public (sometimes for good reason) there are a few gems to be found online. Here are some screen tests from actors almost...but not quite...cast in major Hollywood roles.