12 Activities That Have Been Banned by the Mormon Church

Katherine Ripley
Updated July 26, 2024 231.6K views 12 items

The Mormon Church, formally known as The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, is known for its guidelines that shape the lives of its members. These rules are often perceived as stringent, but following them is considered vital for adherents to maintain a lifestyle that aligns with their faith. Some activities, deemed as detrimental to their beliefs, have been categorically banned by the Mormon Church. Understanding these restrictions provides a perspective into the lives and beliefs of people of this religious force.

Within this faith-based framework, several activities are famously prohibited. This list provides an glimpse into what Mormons can and cannot do, grounded in doctrinal teachings and cultural practices. From the prohibition on drinking coffee and tea as well as alcohol to the current abolition of polygamy, these activities have a lot to say about Mormon rules. This intriguing assortment reveals the church’s directives said to foster purity, health, and dedicated spiritual lives among its followers.

Drinking coffee and tea is considered by most of the world to be a small everyday pleasure. However, these drinks are strictly forbidden by the Word of Wisdom - a health code revealed by Joseph Smith. This code emphasizes the consumption of wholesome herbs and grains while eschewing substances considered harmful. Although polygamy was initially practiced in the Mormon Church, it was abolished in the late 19th century as part of the Church’s efforts to comply with U.S. laws. Meanwhile, the avoidance of alcohol, widely practiced across various religions, is another significant rule designed to prevent detrimental effects on personal and social health. Such activities provide fascinating examples of what are Mormons not allowed to do.

These rules of the Mormon Church, while controversial to outsiders, reflect a broader philosophical and theological stance on maintaining a sanctified lifestyle. By examining these Mormon restrictions, an understanding emerges of the church's dedication to its foundational beliefs.

  • Drinking Coffee and Tea

    Drinking coffee and tea is forbidden by the Mormon Law of Health, also called the Word of Wisdom. According to the Mormon faith, God spoke this law directly to Joseph Smith, the founder of the Mormon Church. Those who abide by this law are supposed to have good health, and will be better able to connect with God.

  • Smoking or Chewing Tobacco

    Smoking or chewing tobacco is prohibited by the Word of Wisdom. In fact, the Word of Wisdom came about because Joseph Smith's wife was disgusted by the fact that Smith and his fellow church leaders constantly chewed tobacco and spit on the floor. The complaints of his wife led Smith to ask God whether tobacco was appropriate for followers of his church to use. God said it wasn't.

  • Drinking Alcohol

    Drinking alcohol is prohibited by the Word of Wisdom. This is why Mormons use water instead of wine for the sacrament of Holy Communion.

  • Using Recreational Drugs

    The last important component of the Word of Wisdom is the prohibition on using illegal or recreational drugs. This includes prescription drugs for which the user does not have a prescription.

  • Polygamy

    Although Mormons used to practice polygamy, it was officially disallowed in 1890. There are a few splinter groups who still practice polygamy, but they are not affiliated with the Mormon Church, which will excommunicate anyone found to be practicing polygamy.

  • Watching Adult Entertainment

    Mormons cannot watch pornography, not because they think that all sex is bad, but because adult material is an inaccurate representation of human sexuality created for financial gain. Mormons also believe it weakens the relationship between husband and wife by creating interest in extramarital sex.

  • Watching R-Rated Movies

    Mormons are supposed to consume only uplifting media that "promotes clean thoughts and actions." R-rated movies are not allowed because they can be explicit or promote other immoral behaviors.

  • Masturbation

    The Mormon Church forbids masturbation because it "feeds base appetites and may lead to other sinful conduct." The Church views self-pleasure as an activity that does not respect the body and can damage the relationship between husband and wife.

  • Gay Or Lesbian Sex

    The Mormon Church has not condemned queer identity. People who identify as gay or lesbian are welcome to be Mormons, but they are expected to be celibate. Engaging in sexual activity with someone of the same sex is against the rules. Former president of the Mormon Church Gordon B Hinkley had this to say on the subject:

    People inquire about our position on those who consider themselves so-called gays and lesbians. My response is that we love them as sons and daughters of God. They may have certain inclinations which are powerful and which may be difficult to control. Most people have inclinations of one kind or another at various times. If they do not act upon these inclinations, then they can go forward as do all other members of the Church. If they violate the law of chastity and the moral standards of the Church, then they are subject to the discipline of the Church, just as others are.

  • Listening To Vulgar Music

    The rule about only consuming clean media applies to music as well. There are no rules about which genres of music Mormons can or can't listen to, but they are not supposed to listen to songs with lyrics that are sexually explicit or promote other immoral behaviors.

  • Reading Unwholesome Books

    The Mormon Church has not specifically banned any books, but members of the Church are encouraged to treat books like any other media: only read books that encourage good and wholesome thoughts. This rule is vague, so different members of the Church might have different opinions about whether a particular book is okay to read.

  • Wearing Provocative Clothing

    Mormons must abide by modesty standards. Outfits that reveal too much skin are not allowed because they could provoke desires or actions that violate the Law of Chastity, which says that Mormons must abstain from sex unless it is between a husband and wife.