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2975 packages found
AWS CDK construct to send notifications for adds, drops, and trades in an ESPN Fantasy Hockey league
Web framework built on Web Standards
CDK Construct Library by Typescript for RDS Dump
thin libSQL stateless http driver for TypeScript and JavaScript
- libsql
- database
- sqlite
- serverless
- vercel
- netlify
- lambda
- http
- https
- webapi
- cloudflare-workers
- cloudflare-pages
- edge
AWS CDK Construct for scheduling SCTE-35 events using the MediaLive schedule API
Debug Lambda functions locally like it is running in the cloud
- aws
- lambda
- debugger
- serverless
- aws-lambda
- javascript
- typescript
- dev-tools
- lambda-debugger
- aws-cdk
- serverless-framework
- sls
- aws-sam
- sam
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aws cdk library for custom resource constructs.
CDK-based library for writing elegant integration tests on AWS serverless architecture and an additional web console to monitor events in real time.
AWS CDK Construct for scheduling input switch of MediaLive
AWS CDK Construct for scheduling a cron job that periodically accesses a MediaTailor endpoint
A flexible AWS CDK construct for scheduled RDS MySQL backups to S3.
Detect if your code is running on an AWS Lambda server
Serverless plugin for zero-config JavaScript and TypeScript code bundling using extremely fast esbuild
Chromium Binary for Serverless Platforms
Zip it and ship it
Serverless plugin for managing custom domains with API Gateways.
- serverless plugin custom domain
- custom domain
- serverless plugins
- api gateway
- lambda
- aws
- aws lambda
- amazon
- amazon web services
- domain manager
OAuth Proxy
- oauth
- oauth2
- openid
- openid-connect
- authentication
- authorization
- proxy
- middleware
- lambda
- express
- koa
- hapi
- fastify
- aws
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Functions to mock the JavaScript aws-sdk
Build, Validate, Route, Authenticate and Mock using OpenAPI definitions. Framework-agnostic
The logging package for the Powertools for AWS Lambda (TypeScript) library