Contact Us

NONWOVENS INDUSTRY is the only monthly trade magazine dedicated to the worldwide business of nonwovens. Now in its 50th year, Nonwovens Industry has tracked the growth of the nonwovens through years of changes, technology, evolution and market development. No other magazine has been around for as long or covered as much of the global nonwovens business. Our outstanding editorial staff follows industry trends and issues, conducts market surveys and technology updates and tracks the latest nonwovens news around the globe, as it happens. We also attend every major nonwovens industry trade show and conference.

Contact the Editors

The editors of Nonwovens Industry Magazine welcome press releases for Industry News and Nonwovens Products, as well as ideas for feature articles and profiles of suppliers. Send us news about changes at your company, relocations and expansions, new personnel, new technology, market developments, corporate growth, or other newsworthy topics.

About illustrations: We prefer electronic images in tif or jpg format (eps files also are welcome). The printed version of our magazine requires high resolution images, so please make sure that the jpgs and tifs that you submit are at 300 dpi or higher. If they are not, make sure that the file is larger than 500KB, so that we can convert it into a hi-res image.

Send materials to:

Karen McIntyre, Editor  
Phone: 201-880-2251
E-mail: [email protected]

Tara Olivo, Associate Editor
Phone: 201-880-2222
E-mail: [email protected]

Sales & Marketing Inquiries

For sales and marketing questions, please email us at:

25 Philips Parkway
Montvale, NJ 07645 USA
Telephone: 201-825-2552
Fax: 201-825-0553
E-mail: [email protected]

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Publishing Office/Headquarters

25 Philips Parkway
Montvale, NJ 07645 USA
Telephone: 201-825-2552
Fax: 201-825-0553

Key Personnel

President Rodman J. Zilenziger, Jr.   
Executive Vice President Matthew Montgomery   
Publisher Matt Carey 
Editor Karen McIntyre
National Sales Manager Brian Barnes   
National Sales Manager Kathleen Scully   
Production Manager Cheryl Coviello   
Circulation Manager Rich DeVoto   
Associate Editor Tara Olivo