U.S. Nuclear Data Program
Organization dedicated to collecting, evaluating and
disseminating data for basic nuclear physics and applied
nuclear technology communities in the United States.
Cross Section Evaluation
Working Group
Cooperative effort of national laboratories, industries
and universities in the United States.
Responsible for the production of the U.S.
Evaluated Nuclear Data File (ENDF/B).
Nuclear Data
Working Group
Collaboration, coordination and prioritization of
nuclear data efforts across program offices,
national laboratories, universities, and industries.
Decay Data Evaluation Project
International collaboration.
The International Network of Nuclear
Structure and Decay Data Evaluators
Group of international data centers coordinated by the
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).
Responsible for the evaluation and updating of
nuclear structure data contained in
Evaluated Nuclear Structure Data File (ENSDF).
The International Network of Nuclear
Reaction Data Centers
Worldwide cooperation of nuclear data centers, under the
auspices of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA),
established to coordinate the collection, compilation,
and dissemination of nuclear reaction data on an
international scale.
Working Party on International Nuclear Data
Evaluation Co-Operation
Organization established to promote the exchange of
information on nuclear data evaluations, measurements,
nuclear model calculations, validation, and related topics,
and to provide a framework for co-operative activities
between the participating projects.