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Sheryl Sandberg

Shouts & Murmurs

What’s in a Name? A Brainstorming Session at Facebook HQ

Rebranding ideas from Sheryl: SunLight, Magic, Luminere. From Mark: I Am Not a Robot.
Annals of Technology

Facebook’s Very Bad Month Just Got Worse

Incriminating internal e-mails, an ugly P.R. campaign, explosive exposés, denials, and denunciations snowballed into more trouble for the social network.
The Political Scene Podcast

Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook, and the End of Silicon Valley’s “Wild West”

Evan Osnos joins Dorothy Wickenden to discuss how Facebook is coping with its unexpected role as an arbiter of truth and decency in politics.

Facebook and Twitter’s Rehearsed Dance on Capitol Hill

In their testimonies to the Senate Intelligence Committee, Jack Dorsey and Sheryl Sandberg acknowledged problems and promised improvements but avoided committing to anything specific.
Photo Booth

Fatherhood Apart


Sheryl Sandberg’s Divisive Pitch to #leanintogether

John Cassidy

The Hole in the Glass Ceiling Is Getting Bigger

A Reporter at Large



Lean In’s Business-Friendly Message

News Desk

Carol Bartz’s Yahoo Legacy

The Mail

Women at Work

The Mail

Women at Work

The Mail

Women at Work

Annals of Communications

A Woman’s Place

Letter from Palo Alto

The Face of Facebook

Annals of Communications

Searching for Trouble