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Daily Comment

The Next Power Plant Is on the Roof and in the Basement

A Department of Energy report promotes a new system that could remake the energy grid.
Annals of a Warming Planet

Dimming the Sun to Cool the Planet Is a Desperate Idea, Yet We’re Inching Toward It

The scientists who study solar geoengineering don’t want anyone to try it. But climate inaction is making it more likely.

How Food Powers Your Body

Metabolism, which unleashes the energy in what you eat, may be nature’s most electrifying invention.
U.S. Journal

Could Coal Waste Be Used to Make Sustainable Batteries?

Acid mine drainage has long been a scourge in Appalachia. Recent research suggests that we may be able to simultaneously clean up the pollution and extract the minerals and elements needed to power green technologies.
Q. & A.

Cutting Off Putin’s Pipelines to Europe

An import ban on Russian energy may be the most effective way to stop the war in Ukraine. But could the E.U. handle the shock?
Daily Comment

This Earth Day, We Could Be Helping the Environment—and Ukraine

Even as we watch the horrors daily inflicted on the Ukrainians, we have not been asked to change our daily habits in any way to be of help to them.
Annals of Innovation

The Renewable-Energy Revolution Will Need Renewable Storage

Can gravity, pressure, and other elemental forces save us from becoming a battery-powered civilization?
Our Columnists

The Case for an Immediate Energy Embargo on Russia

An aide to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky argues that halting the purchase of oil and gas is the surest way to stop Vladimir Putin’s military machine.
Daily Comment

A Better Idea Than Releasing Oil from the Strategic Reserve

It’s time to do away with the S.U.V. loophole.

In a World on Fire, Stop Burning Things

The truth is new and counterintuitive: we have the technology necessary to rapidly ditch fossil fuels. 
Our Columnists

The Economic Challenge and Climate Opportunity in Supporting Ukraine

Putin’s dependence on oil-and-gas exports presents a chance to make the U.S. less beholden to fossil fuels and the autocratic governments that control them.
A Reporter at Large

Can Germany Show Us How to Leave Coal Behind?

The country embarked on an ambitious plan to transition to clean energy, aiming to lead the fight against climate change. It has not been easy.
Annals of a Warming Planet

The Millions of Tons of Carbon Emissions That Don’t Officially Exist

How a blind spot in the Kyoto Protocol helped create the biomass industry.
Dept. of Science

Energy, and How to Get It

All of us know people who have more energy than we do, but the science of the phenomenon is just coming into view.
Annals of Science

Can Nuclear Fusion Put the Brakes on Climate Change?

Amid an escalating crisis, the power source offers a dream—or a pipe dream—of limitless clean energy.
Daily Comment

It’s Climate Week Again, but the Calendar Is Running Out

A slow transition away from carbon will be costlier than a fast one, but each year that we keep spewing carbon is a year in which fossil-fuel companies’ current business models stay intact.
Daily Comment

Joe Biden’s Solar Plan and the Prescience of Jimmy Carter

The best time to plant a solar panel was forty years ago—but Biden is trying hard to make up for lost time.
Daily Comment

The International Energy Agency Issues a Landmark Statement About Fossil Fuels

Our hope for a livable world rests on a series of crucial sentences.
Annals of a Warming Planet

No More Halfsies on Climate

A storied P.R. agency is playing with fire.
Annals of a Warming Planet

Do We Actually Need More Gas Stations?

Resistance rises to Costco’s plans for mega stations.