What is stress eating and 3 tips to overcome it

  • 3 Minutes Read
Joanna Kriehn
Joanna Kriehn, MS, RDN, CDCES - Registered Dietitian Nutritionist and Certified Diabetes Care and Education Specialist (CDCES)

You notice you are eating more while under stress, and that is a step toward knowing what to do to stop. These strategies will help you or someone you know combat stress eating.

What is stress eating

What is stress eating, and why do we do it?

Life features an endless list of things to worry about–financial strain, relationship tensions, health problems, or general life uncertainty. When we feel stressed, we naturally look for ways to feel better. Often to our detriment, eating is a convenient, short-term way to take our mind off all those stressful things.

Many people realize their eating habits change when stress levels rise (at work, home, school or any combination). What is known as stress or emotional eating is simply a way to manage or soothe negative emotions. When we eat for emotional reasons, we may be seeking a break from whatever we are doing or thinking.

Or we may turn to food to calm certain feelings, like sadness, frustration, or loneliness. Some people eat less when they are stressed. However, more commonly, people eat more when stress levels rise. Continuing to reach for a snack or overeating at meals whenever a new stressor hits is a recipe for weight gain, and here’s why.

What is the connection between stress and overeating?

For some people, eating quiets the mind momentarily and provides some distance from a stressful situation. Biologically, when stress levels are chronically high, this causes an increase in the body's cortisol levels. Cortisol is intended to release in response to a real or perceived threat, which can result in an increased appetite. Centuries ago this was an advantage. The resulting hunger motivated humans to continue hunting for food and encouraged eating so we, as a species, had the energy to fend off predators and survive.

Stress not only increases our appetite, but also alters the types of foods we desire. In search of quick energy during stressful times, we generally crave foods high in sugar and fat like chips or sweets instead of salads, soups, and lean proteins.

Suppose stress eating has become your way of dealing with or managing emotional discomfort. In that case, psychology experts recommend thinking twice before making drastic changes in coping mechanisms or eating habits to lose weight. In other words, cut yourself some slack for a bit. Postpone starting a new diet, cutting out favorite foods, or committing to detailed calorie tracking until you get a handle on your stress. Otherwise, your attempts may backfire, potentially leaving you feeling worse about yourself and your situation.

3 Tips to overcome stress eating

1. Tap into mindfulness to combat stress and overeating

What if you try a different direction instead of restricting certain foods/food groups in hopes of losing weight? Perhaps this is a good time to start paying more attention to lifestyle habits and general body awareness. In fact, research shows that body awareness and mindfulness serve as effective ways to reduce overall life stress.

When under stress people often eat their meals and snacks quickly, failing to pay attention to the experience. By putting your screens away, slowing down, and savoring your meal, you'll be able to appreciate your food and notice hunger and fullness cues. Many people discover if they slow down and are mindful of what they are eating, they feel full with less, which is a better foundation for weight loss, even in times of stress.

2. Make sure to prioritize regular meals if you are prone to stress eating

When people are stressed, their attention is pulled in many different directions at once. They feel especially busy, and because of this, they don’t always prioritize their own eating. Can you relate? You take care of everyone else in the family– packing lunches for the kids, taking them to activities, running errands after work, and prepping dinner for everyone. Either you don't get around to eating, or grab a starchy snack to compensate. Once you finally sit down for dinner, you overdo it with a ravenous appetite.

Research shows that eating regular and balanced meals provides steady energy and decreases cravings. For guidance on formulating a balanced meal, check out this meal template.

Try planning out your meals the night before. Set aside foods in the refrigerator and cupboard to minimize preparation. If you tend to take care of others and forget to take care of yourself, set a reminder on your phone to stop and eat in the middle of the day.

3. Find pleasure in your life

Have you ever noticed that when you are engaged in an activity you love, you forget about time and eating? For some, reconnecting with hobbies or pleasurable activities helps them avoid stress eating. When we don’t include sources of enjoyment in our lives, we begin to unconsciously associate eating as our primary source of pleasure.

Ask for help

If stress eating prevents you from losing weight or maintaining a healthy relationship with food, you may want to consider additional support. A nutrition and/or mental health professional will help you learn what stress eating looks like for you and realize you are not alone in your health journey. Professionals also offer alternative ideas on managing stress and help you develop an individualized plan that considers your unique health and life circumstances.

To find help from a licensed therapist:
www.betterhelp.com or https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/therapists

To find help from a registered dietitian
https://www.teladoc.com/nutrition/ or https://www.eatright.org/find-an-expert

You can make changes–we are cheering you on!

To manage stress eating, try incorporating mindfulness, eating regular meals, reconnecting with pleasurable activities, and considering professional help. We hope these ideas will support you in your health journey.

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Jul 29, 2024
Disclaimer: The information provided here does not constitute medical advice. If you are seeking medical advice, please visit your healthcare provider or medical professional.

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