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2 days ago

Lyrics of PACIFIST by Kaeto


It's alright, and I'll get lost
It's a high like you're cured
Like to try in my spite
I get lost in your eyes
I can't feel your two minds
I can't wait, you're my reason
I'm speechless, I see when you're leaving
I'll break when you hide me
I call, call you, reaching
I need when you switch me


I look like your whisper
I look like your whisper
I look like your whisper
I look like your whisper
I look like your whisper
I look like your whisper


Bury me like snow
Like snow, heat uncovers me
I know it's like water in your mind
Since you were crawling with your lies


I look like your whisper
I look like your whisper
I look like your whisper
I look like your whisper


Bury me
Like snow, heat uncovers me
I know it's like water in your mind
Since you were crawling with your lies


Gimme a good sense of what I can tell is in the back of your mind
From where you're standing, I can tell it's there like all of the time
I know I'm famous in the cellars in the back of your mind
Where I'm standing, I can tell there's no venom tonight
I can see you in the cellars in the back of your mind
Where I'm standing, I can tell you want to swallow the time
I can say it's all good all, all of the time
And I can say it's all me all, all of the time
And I can say it's all grey all, all of the time


Gimme a good sense of what I can tell is in the back of your mind
From where you're standing, I can tell it's there like all of the time
I know I'm famous in the cellars in the back of your mind
Where I'm standing, I can tell there's no venom tonight
I can see you in the cellars in the back of your mind
Where I'm standing, I can tell you want to swallow the time


I do like your whisper
I do like your whisper
Writer(s): Mathias Wang, Katherine Mccaul



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Last edit 2 days ago
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