
Ad Avoidance: Most Consumers Have Blocked Them On Sites

Publishers and advertisers must both be feeling the impact of ad blockers. Many readers are using them with little concern for how they hurt a publication’s revenue model, judging by Ad Blocker Adoption: Majority of Americans Block Ads—Do They Feel Bad About It?”, a study by All About Cookies, working with Pollfish. 

Of the consumers polled, 67% have skipped a video or stopped using a website because of ads. What’s more, 42% have paid for premium subscriptions to a site or a streaming service to avoid ads.

And, 52% feel no remorse at all in blocking ads on a small business site that relies on ad revenue. 

In general, 93% are familiar with ad blockers, but less than 20% feel they are totally effective.

Why do people use a blockers? They cite these reasons:  

  • To see fewer ads—71%
  • To protect against malware or viruses—59% 
  • To protect my privacy online—54%
  • To have websites load faster—43%
  • To get to the content I want to view faster—39%
  • Easier website navigation—28%
  • To save data and battery life—20% 



Will they turn their ad blockers off if a site requests it? Only sometimes: 

  • Never---20%
  • Rarely—44%
  • About half the time—19%
  • Most of the time—16% 
  • Every time—5% 

All About Cookies surveyed 1,000 U.S. consumers in May 2024 via Pollfish.



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