GPT-Based Targeting Tool Offered To Programmatic Ad Buyers

Sell-side adtech firm PubMatic is partnering with Cognitiv, a deep-learning advertising platform, to deliver a contextual targeting tool using GPT 4 large language models (LLMs).  

The new offering goes beyond legacy keyword targeting and can grasp nuance in a way that prior LLMs cannot, PubMatic claims. 

The goal is to help clients improve their ad relevance “at scale–benefiting buyers’ campaign objectives, publishers’ yield, and most importantly, the end user’s browsing experience, all while respecting online privacy,” says Don Lee, VP of addressability at PubMatic.

The arrangement supports more precise media buying beyond typical contextual segments, the firm says.   

Cognitiv’s Inclusivity product feature, built using GPT 4, helps advertisers identify relevant, performant, brand safe media, the firm adds. 

The integration can help clients filter for content, excluding negative sentiment. At the same time, it can accurately find inclusive content and inventory that targets diverse audiences, and multicultural and special interest groups.



The partners are offering “the latest in contextual targeting to programmatic buyers to reach highly curated audiences in a privacy safe way, which not only meet their performance goals but also complement their company values,” said Jana Jakovljevic, SVP of partnerships at Cognitiv.

One client for these services is Fresh Direct. 

“PubMatic’s partnership with Cognitiv gives us a powerful solution that performs at scale,” says Amanda Temes, director of marketing at Fresh Direct. “Their advanced AI, gives us deeper layer of confidence in our targeting approach and has allowed us to pivot effectively as our strategy evolves.”



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