'Post-Vienna Blues' Hits U.S. Cities, Canada

Ever hear of the post-Vienna blues?

It's a state of melancholy and nostalgia after returning from a trip to Vienna. That's according to a new campaign, "Post-Vienna-Blues," from the Vienna Tourist Board.

The creative, by Jung von Matt DONAU, was sparked by a recent social media focus on post-vacation blues. The creative OOH boasts a fashion-photo sensibility, shot by Tereza Mundilová, who photographed Heidi and Leni Klum’s German Vogue cover.

The cross-platform effort just launched in the United States, with a prominent billboard in New York’s Times Square that runs until mid-June. Campaign elements are displayed on 70 digital bus shelters and newsstands throughout Manhattan. Online and social-media ads target New York, Washington, D.C., Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco and Boston, which has a direct flight to Vienna from Austrian Airlines starting in July. The ads also run in Toronto and Montreal, Canada.



Classic images such as Schönbrunn Palace, Gustav Klimt's “The Kiss” at the Upper Belvedere, and pastries from “K.u.K. Hofzuckerbäckerei” Demel showcase Vienna’s grandeur. 

“Our objective is clear: to craft a witty narrative that captures Vienna’s breathtaking allure in a truly distinctive manner," said Norbert Kettner, CEO of the Vienna Tourist Board. "We want to remind people that Vienna is a city that stays with you, it lingers in the hearts and minds of visitors long after their departure."

International visitors departing Vienna exit with this message: "Sorry, I gave you Post-Vienna-Blues." Vienna tourist sites are posting the creative on their social channels, while the Vienna Tourist Board will offer a post-Vienna blues “symptom check” at post.vienna.info. The site identifies “triggers,” including Vienna’s 2,000 coffee houses, 27 castles, 163 palaces and 100+ museums.

Stefan Bauernberger, creative director of Jung von Matt DONAU, added: "The bold decision to emphasize the negative consequences a trip to Vienna can have makes this tourism campaign exceptional. It dares to differ, both conceptually and visually, while aiming to attract an audience that is not afraid to take risks."


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