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The Algorithm for Determining the TCP Point of a 2D Scanner Using a Conical Element

Department of Applied Mechanics and Robotics, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Aeronautics, Rzeszów University of Technology, al. Powstancow Warszawy 8, 35-959 Rzeszów, Poland
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Submission received: 16 September 2024 / Revised: 24 October 2024 / Accepted: 29 October 2024 / Published: 31 October 2024


In the engineering practice of performing robotic measurements with a 2D scanner, a major difficulty is to accurately determine the tool center point (TCP) quickly and easily since it does not exist as a physical object. The article proposes an algorithm for determining the coordinates of the TCP point. It relies on the possibility of using a conical element, such as a milling cutter of unknown geometry. So far, the algorithms found in the literature were based on a sphere of known size. The presented solution was simulated in RobotStudio 2019 software, while calculations were performed in Maple 14 software. In addition, the correctness of the presented solutions was verified on a real object, an IRB 2400 robot equipped with a Keyence 2D scanner.

1. Introduction

Programming of robots can be carried out on-line or off-line using specialized software. The first way of programming is related to the robot’s repeatability. After manually setting the position of the TCP, the robot controller receives information about the position of the motor shafts’ angles. When reaching the set point again, the control system minimizes the deviation between the set angles in the joints.
The use of off-line programming, or the use of external measurement systems such as scanners, cameras, laser sensors, trackers or 3D models, is related to the robot’s accuracy. Defined in robotics, the repeatability of robots is determined according to EN ISO 9283:1998 and is an order of magnitude better than accuracy [1,2].
The accuracy of the realization of the achieved point depends on the transmission backlash, the flexibility of the arms, the accuracy of the mathematical operations and the precise definition of the TCP. Therefore, calibration of the TCP (tool center point) is one of the important aspects of improving robot accuracy. Classical calibration methods involve using a special pointer to record at least three TCP positions achieved with different orientations of the robot arms always touching the same single point in the workspace [3]. This is the most common way of defining the TCP, the so-called three-point method. There are also combinations of it, such as the three-point method with an elongator in the z-axis or elongators in the z- and x-axes.
In addition to the aforementioned three-point method, calibration of the robot’s TCP can be performed using CMM measurements [4], dedicated tools [5], external measuring trackers [6], an external camera [7], stereovision cameras [8], dedicated tools [9] and, most commonly, using a standardized measuring sphere [10].
The problem arises when the TCP has no physical representation. This happens in cases where the tool is, for example, a 2D measuring scanner [11], an ultrasonic probe [12,13], a point inside a workpiece [14,15], a welding torch [16], etc.
In such a case, in the search for a solution, inspiration may come from humans, as they use hand–eye calibration every day since they are born [3].
The technique defines “eye to hand” and “eye in hand” calibration. These two configurations differ in where the camera or other position-defining sensor is mounted. One option uses the camera in a static manner, mounted near the robot, while in the other, the camera is mounted on the last member of the robot [17].
The literature on the problem under consideration is extensive. An example of this is the work [18] in which a vision sensor and a measuring sphere were used to obtain the TCP. With the translational and rotational movements of an ABB IRB2400 industrial robot, the optical sensor measures the center of a standard sphere from a number of different robot positions. The orientation and position of the TCP are determined in two steps. An analogous solution was presented in [10], except that a 2D scanner was used as the measuring sensor. An approach in which the sensor is fixed in the workspace and not on the robot is found in the works [15,19].
The work [19] proposes a hand–eye calibration algorithm that establishes an alignment relationship between the end effector of an ABB IRB6650S (Zurich, Switzerland) robot (hand) and a scanning sensor (eye), a Cognex DS1000 (Natick, MA, USA) scanner. A calibration approach for robotic belt grinding of blades has been proposed. The main novelty is to propose a model with consideration of configuration parameter errors. In the second paper [15], the method of determining the TCP is implemented by a 3D sensor and a calibration ball, which also uses translational and joint motion constraints. An error analysis of the obtained solutions was carried out, and the proposed solution was used in the process of grinding aircraft engine blades.
The article [20] proposes a method for self-calibration of a robot, which is equipped with a 2D scanner placed on the effector. This allows the evaluation of errors in the robot’s kinematic parameters. The TCP is calculated iteratively on the basis of measurements of errors in the realization of the defined point. The advantage of the proposed solution is that it can be implemented in industry without external, expensive measurement equipment.
The paper [21] proposes a “hand–eye” method for calibrating the TCP. A robotic scanning system consisting of a portable 3D laser scanner and an industrial robot is presented. In this approach, two different translational motions of the robot are first performed to determine the rotation coordinates of the tool, and then at least three different rotational motions are performed to determine the translation. The solution was verified using a portable 3D laser scanner and an ABB IRB-4400 (Switzerland Zurich) industrial robot.
An interesting approach is found in [22], in which a new TCP calibration method implemented for different ways of combining a laser sensor and a robot is presented. Using a standard sphere with a known radius as a reference tool, the rotation and translation matrices between the laser sensor and the robot are calculated in two steps, respectively. Experimental results show that the accuracy of the proposed calibration method can reach up to 0.062 mm. The proposed calibration method is implemented in an automated robotic system that scans the outline of car doors.
The methods of determining the TCP can be divided into manual methods performed by humans, where vision is used to set the robot in various configurations. A new TCP point is indicated relative to a fixed point in the workspace. This method uses defined points, with a minimum of three points required. It can also be extended with additional points using x or x and z axis elongators [23,24].
Another method of determining the TCP is by using a CAD model. For the modeled tool in the software, the TCP point is determined [25].
There are also methods that use 3D and 2D cameras and scanners [26]. Manual methods are prone to human vision errors and depend on the efficiency of the operator. These methods are available programmatically in the robot controller and are the cheapest, requiring an object with a clearly defined point, such as a sharp cone or the corner of a solid object.
Methods using CAD models require both the tool and holder models, as well as specialized software. Their accuracy depends on the precision of the modeling and assembly.
Vision methods (cameras, 3D, 2D scanners) are highly accurate but require additional hardware, software and expertise to determine the TCP point. Additionally, they often require an accurate reference measuring sphere.
The proposed method involves a simple vision system using a 2D scanner, requiring only a conical element. TCP measurements are obtained within the sensor’s vision measurement class, and this method is not sensitive to tool manufacturing quality or assembly errors.
As mentioned in the solutions indicated in the literature, an accurate measuring sphere is used to calibrate the TCP when the working tip is a 2D scanner. In an engineering setting, we often do not have a standardized measuring sphere of known geometry at our disposal. Instead, it is easy to use conical elements with unknown dimensions. The authors encountered this type of problem during the implementation of the research work entitled. “Development and launch of technology for manufacturing high-precision iron castings for the automotive sector using INDUSTRY 4.0 methodology” grant POIR.01.01.01-00-0804/17-00 and “Automation of machining of thin-walled aerospace gear bodies made of light alloys” grant POIR.01.01.01-00-0016/19 [11].
The paper proposes an algorithm to define the TCP, which gives the position and orientation of the tool based on four measurements of the position of any conical element.

2. Determination of Effector Coordinates

In technical solutions, it is often a measuring device that works as an effector. In this paper, a Keyence 2D (Osaka, Japan) scanner was considered as a measuring tool. This device allows for measuring the distance in two axes of the adopted coordinate system relative to the reference system associated with it, in our case, called XL, YL, ZL. The system associated with the measuring point is called XK, YK, ZK.
The 2D measurement sensor allows for obtaining measurement information in the x and z axis in the local system XL, YL, ZL. If, in the robotic station, we want to acquire measurement information with respect to the robot’s base frame, then we need to define the robot’s TCP. There are procedures and tools to determine the TCP. In the case of the ABB robot, this is possible using the point method (min 3 points), point method with “z” elongator, and point method with “z” and “x” elongator. An alternative method is to define the tool by giving its geometric parameters in the form of TCP coordinates, rotation of the system associated with the tool in quaternion form, and mass. Other values like the position of the center of gravity or mass moments of inertia can also be given, but these parameters are already optional.
The aforementioned procedures for defining the TCP require the tool to arrive at a stationary point with several configurations, a minimum of three. In the case where the tool is a laser scanner, there is no way to get to the point because there is no material physical TCP. It is a beam of laser light. Therefore, there is also no way to measure the dimensions of the tool with a CMM.
The procedure for determining the TCP for a robot equipped with a 2D linear scanner is presented below. The method requires a stationary cone with an arbitrary base diameter. We define the position of the cone relative to the base frame X0, Y0, Z0 of the robot as xK, yK, zK. The kinematic diagram of the robot with the 2D scanner mounted and the position of the reference point is shown in Figure 1.
In order to correctly specify the value of the measurement relative to the base frame, it is required to solve a matrix equation:
A 0 T A T L = A 0 K A K L
After the transformation, we obtain:
A 0 K = A 0 T A K L A K L 1
where A 0 T = R 0 T T 0 T 0 1 is the transformation matrix of the homogeneous coordinate system from the robot base to the effector. Its full form is not given here because, determined using Denevit–Hatenberg notation, it is very widely available in the literature [27]. R 0 T is the rotation matrix of the coordinate system at point T relative to the base frame; T 0 T is a vector with coordinates T 0 T = x 0 T , y 0 T , z 0 T T , which is a vector of displacement of the system to a point T from the base frame; A K L = R K L T K L 0 1 is the transformation matrix of the homogeneous system associated with the values measured by the 2D laser system.
The matrices A 0 T and A K L are known, while the matrix A T L is a search matrix. It is a matrix with unknown translation and rotation. The elements of the matrix result from the way the laser sensor is mounted. In the following part of the work, an algorithm is proposed to determine the rotation and translation of the laser reference system with respect to the system associated with point T. For this purpose, measurements performed in several kinematic configurations of the robot were used.

2.1. Determination of Translation

Reference systems related to the robot base, flange, 2D scanner, and calibration point were adopted (Figure 2):
Let us define the description of the matrix A 0 K appearing in Equation (2) in the following form:
A 0 K = R 0 K T 0 K 0 1
where R 0 K = [ 1 ] is the identity matrix, and T 0 K = x 0 K , y 0 K , z 0 K T is the vector between the base frame and the calibration point. Matrix (3) describes the transformation of the coordinate system from the base of the robot to the top of the cone. In this transformation, rotation of the systems is not required, so it is assumed that the minor R 0 K is a unit matrix. The matrix describing the position of the top of the cone relative to the measurement system is written:
A K L = R K L T K L 0 1
where R K L is the rotation matrix of the system associated with the top of the cone. The rotation of the coordinate system associated with the calibration point must have the same rotation as the coordinate system of the laser sensor. Hence, the following relationship follows:
R K L = R 0 T R T L
T K L = x K L , y K L , z K L T is the vector of the shift of the coordinate system from the top of the cone to the coordinate system of the measurement system. The unknown matrix A T L consists of the following elements:
A T L = R T L T T L 0 1
where R T L is the rotation matrix of the system associated with the point L relative to the flanking system, and T T L = x T L , y T L , z T L T is the vector of the shift of the coordinate system from the flange to the point L. Based on relation (2), the following was obtained:
R 0 K T 0 K 0 1 = 1 T K L + R 0 T T T L + T 0 T 0 1
By multiplying both sides by the vector u = 0    1 T , we obtain the following:
T 0 K 1 = T K L + R 0 T T T L + T 0 T 1
We make at least two index measurements, indexing them with a superscript. In the measurements, we assume that the top of the cone is stationary in the manipulator’s workspace, which makes it possible to record:
T 0 K 1 = T 0 K 2 = T 0 K
Another assumption is the tool’s unchanging geometry:
T T L 1 = T T L 2 = T T L
We take two measurements, indexing them appropriately, using only movements that reorient the robot arm with respect to the point that is the center of the flange:
T 0 K = T K L 1 + R 0 T 1 T T L 1 + T 0 T 1
T 0 K = T K L 2 + R 0 T 2 T T L 2 + T 0 T 2
Relationships (11) and (12) were compared:
T K L 1 + R 0 T 1 T T L 1 + T 0 T 1 = T K L 2 + R 0 T 2 T T L 2 + T 0 T 2
After grouping, the result was as follows:
R 0 T 1 R 0 T 2 T T L = T K L 1 T K L 2 + T 0 T 2 T 0 T 1
The following was assumed:
A = R 0 T 1 R 0 T 2 , and b = T K L 1 T K L 2 + T 0 T 2 T 0 T 1 , then Equation (14) is written in the following form:
A x = b
The elements of this equation are matrices and vectors, while the equation should be considered a linear equation. In order to obtain a solution, the Gauss elimination method or the method of least squares should be used in the calculations. Relationship (15) allows for determining the coordinates of the tool, that is, the coordinates of the TCP.

2.2. Determination of Orientation

The following section presents an algorithm for determining the orientation of the tool. The correctness of Equation (2) requires that the minor of the orientation of the matrix from the left equals the right. Then A 0 K takes the following form:
A 0 K = R 0 K T 0 K 0 1
R 0 K = R 0 T R T L
Making assumption (17) implies the form of the following matrix:
A K L = R K L T K L 0 1
where R K L = 1 is the identity matrix. Let us assume, analogously to the previous subsection, that in point L, we have satisfied Equation (1). Based on Equation (2), the following is obtained:
R 0 K T 0 K 0 1 = R 0 T R T L R 0 T R T L T K L + R 0 T T T L + T 0 T 0 1
Multiplying both sides by the vector u = 0    1 T obtained the following:
T 0 K 1 = R 0 T R T L T K L + R 0 T T T L + T 0 T 1
For at least two measurements taken and indexed as before and assuming that the top of the cone is stationary in the manipulator workspace, we take two measurements indexing them accordingly, using only Cartesian movements without performing reorientations.
T 0 K 1 = R 0 T 1 R T L 1 T K L 1 + R 0 T 1 T T L 1 + T 0 T 1
T 0 K 2 = R 0 T 2 R T L 2 T K L 2 + R 0 T 2 T T L 2 + T 0 T 2
Analogous to the above, the tool’s geometry is assumed to be invariant, and using only Cartesian motions allows the following assumption to be made:
R 0 T 1 = R 0 T 2 = R 0 T
A comparison of (21) and (22) was made, and the following was obtained:
R 0 T 1 R T L 1 T K L 1 + R 0 T 1 T T L 1 + T 0 T 1 = R 0 T 2 R T L 2 T K L 2 + R 0 T 2 T T L 2 + T 0 T 2
After grouping, the result was as follows:
R T L T K L 2 T K L 1 = R O T _ 1 T 0 T 2 T 0 T 1
It was assumed that A = T K L 2 T K L 1 and b = R O T _ 1 T 0 T 2 T 0 T 1 . Equation (25) is written in the following form:
x A = b
We calculated the solution of the equation due to the matrix x, which is R T L using the SVD (singular value decomposition) method. The final result was obtained:
R T L = U V T
Relationship (27) allows for determining the orientation of the tool.

3. Simulation of the Solution

In order to verify the correctness of the proposed algorithm, a simulation was carried out using RobotStudio 2019 software and Maple 14 software.

3.1. Simulation of the Solution of Determining the Coordinates of the Tool

For two configurations of the robot, data were recorded. Only a change in the robot’s orientation around the center of the flange was performed during the movements.
  • Measurement #1 (angle values):
    φ 1 = 2.106 ,    φ 2 = 25.742 ,    φ 3 = 25.3172 , φ 4 = 17.874 , φ 5 = 24.034 ,    φ 6 = 40.047
The vector T K L = 1.189 ,    1.241 ,    7.074 T was read using RobotStudio 2019 software.
  • Measurement #2 (angle values):
    φ 1 = 6.211 ,      φ 2 = 39.931 ,      φ 3 = 4.427 , φ 4 = 22.569 ,     φ 5 = 80.547 ,      φ 6 = 24.981
The vector T K L = 1.031 ,    0.95 ,    8.424 T was read with the help of RobotStudio 2019 software (Figure 3).
After substituting the data into Equation (15) in Maple 14 software, using the Gauss elimination method, the following vector was obtained: T T L = 0.00198 ,    0.00106 ,    190.00109 T .

3.2. Simulation of Tool Orientation Determination Solution

Two configurations were determined for the simulation. When repositioning the robot, move the manipulator in Cartesian (linear) to maintain the same orientation of the system relative to the underlying coordinate system.
  • Measurement #1 (angle values):
    φ 1 = 0.078 ,      φ 2 = 29.491 ,      φ 3 = 16.801 , φ 4 = 0.000 ,      φ 5 = 43.707 ,      φ 6 = 22.614
The vector T K L = 8.012 ,    4.669 ,    7.072 T was read using RobotStudio 2019 software (Figure 4).
  • Measurement #2 (angle values):
    φ 1 = 1.184 ,      φ 2 = 29.384 ,      φ 3 = 16.996 , φ 4 = 0.000 ,      φ 5 = 43.618 ,      φ 6 = 21.352
The vector T K L = 13.83 , 14.57 ,    7.072 T was read with the help of the RobotStudio 2019 program. After substituting the data into the matrix Equation (27) and solving it using the SVD method, the following result was obtained:
Matrix R T L = 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 .
In the simulation, the effector coordinate system was oriented in the same way as the “tool 0” coordinate system. The results obtained are unit matrices, which confirms the correctness of the results obtained.

4. Discussion

The verification was carried out on a robotic station located in the Department of Applied Mechanics and Robotics at Rzeszow University of Technology.
Verification of the part of the algorithm to determine the translation vector T T L of the 2D scanner system located in the center of the CCD ruler requires several steps to obtain the relevant data. The first step was to position the manipulator in the appropriate position over the stationary calibration element (its unchanging position during calibration is required). It was placed in a position where the highest point of the calibration element was at the origin of the scanner’s measurement coordinate system. In such a configuration of the robot, a “jointarget” point was created, which records the position of the robot in the form of angles of all moving axes. These data are needed to obtain the matrix A 0 T .
The workstation consists of an ABB IRB 2400 (Zurich, Switzerland) robot, an IRBA-250 positioner and a Keyence LJ-V7200 2D (Osaka, Japan) scanner (Figure 5).
The next step was to reorient the manipulator using only reorientation movements around “tool 0” in such a way that the highest point of the calibration element is again at the beginning of the scanner measurement system. We read the positions in the robot’s joints again. The translation vector T T L was determined using the Gauss elimination method (a built-in function of Maple 14 software), T T L = 67.61 , 7.08 ,    285.066 T .
Verifying the part of the algorithm to determine the rotation matrix R T L requires several steps to obtain the relevant data. The first step is to position the robot so that the calibration element, in this case, a conical one, is in the field of view of the 2D scanner. Next, the position vector of the calibration element relative to the center of the laser system is read from the Keyence Navigator. The robot’s configuration in the form of a “jointarget” was also saved. The next step was to reconfigure the robot; for this, we could only use translational movements (the rotation of the system must remain constant). It is important to remember to make the calibration element visible in the scanner’s measurement field.
R T L = 0.000 0.000 0.999 0.999 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 1.000
The resulting data were entered as tool coordinates, and it was verified that the point at the apex of the cone remained unchanged during reconfiguration.
In comparing the method proposed in the article with other existing methods, the decision was made to demonstrate a technique for determining the TCP (tool center point) based on CAD models, using the same example of a 2D scanner. The differences, advantages and disadvantages of the popular method of determining TCP using CAD systems and three-dimensional modeling were presented. The method utilizing CAD models is often used in robotics [28]. In our practical implementations (we have approximately 12), this method is the most commonly used. It can be applied both when the TCP has a physical representation and in cases like the one presented in the article, where it is a laser beam. This method involves creating accurate CAD models of the tool components, linking them with constraints, and determining the geometric coordinates of the TCP using CAD system tools. The determined coordinates are then entered numerically into the robot system. This method is most frequently used during the design and construction phases of robotic stations. In such cases, fastening elements are manufactured on CNC machines based on the CAD model and are connected using pins with a tight fit to minimize assembly errors. In the verification case presented, the tool consists of a manual changer from Schunk, for which a precise CAD model was provided by the manufacturer. The tool also includes a 6-axis force sensor, with its CAD model provided by ABB. The CAD model of the 2D scanner, with the L point marked, was supplied by the manufacturer, Keyence. The repeatability of the Schunk manual tool changer system is 0.01 mm. Figure 6 shows the CAD model of the tool used for verification. It consists of a force sensor, Schunk changer, clamping arm, 2D scanner and connecting elements. These components were connected using CAD system constraints. In the CAD model-based method, the origin of the assembly coordinate system was set at the tool mounting point; in the case of ABB robots, this is referred to as tool0. The coordinates of point L were determined using CAD system tools relative to the origin (tool0), as shown in Figure 6.
The determined coordinates L = [67.5, −7, 285.5] were assumed during the design of this tool. The differences compared to the method proposed in the article result from errors in both methods. In the CAD model-based method, the error arises from discrepancies between the CAD model and the actual component. For elements manufactured on a CNC machine, this error may be ±0.1 mm, but it can be reduced by measuring the components, for example, using a caliper with an accuracy of 0.01 mm (these are easy-to-measure elements like cylinders). The differences also stem from errors in the alignment of the tool components. In the case under consideration, the use of positioning pins resulted in an error of about 0.02 mm per alignment. Other elements introducing uncertainty are the CAD models of the Schunk changer and the Keyence scanner, whose accuracy was verified using a caliper. In summary, the error of the method based on CAD models is approximately 0.16 mm.
The error of the method proposed in the article is primarily due to the measurement errors of the Keyence LJ-V7200 (Osaka, Japan) scanner, which is approximately 0.02 mm, as well as the angle measurement error and the resulting robot positioning error of 0.12 mm. The total error for the method proposed in the article is about 0.14 mm.
Regarding the advantages and disadvantages of the CAD model-based method, its advantages include the speed of determining the TCP. If an accurate CAD model of the tool is available, determining the TCP takes only a few seconds. Another advantage is the ability to determine the exact mass (based on material data) of the tool and the mass moments of inertia, which are necessary for the proper functioning of the robot’s control system. The disadvantage of this method is the requirement to have or develop a model, as well as the potential discrepancies between the real object and the model. A significant issue with this method is that if the tool is damaged, such as bending, the TCP will change, and the CAD-based method will no longer be applicable. Other disadvantages include challenges in applying this method in production environments. The method proposed in the article, which is based on using a stationary cone with a known diameter, does not have these issues. It can be used at any point in the process, even if the tool has been previously bent. Another advantage is the widespread availability of conical elements in production environments. The disadvantages of the method proposed in the article include its higher time consumption compared to the CAD-based method.
The novelty lies in an algorithm for determining the TCP point for a 2D scanner, which has not been previously addressed in the literature. Existing solutions described in [3,4,5,6] propose an algorithm that requires a special measuring sphere with known geometry. The authors have proposed an original method that only requires the use of a conical element of any size. This is highly important from a practical standpoint, as conical elements are readily available in industrial settings, such as milling cutters, rotary files and other components

5. Conclusions

The genesis of taking up the presented subject matter was the work carried out within the framework of two research projects. In the first, there was a need to measure the casting flash, while in the second, the sizes and radii of chamfers were measured. In each case, a 2D scanner was used. The paper presents an original algorithm for determining the coordinates of the TCP of an industrial robot equipped with a 2D scanner. Its originality lies in the possibility of using a conical element, such as a cutter with unknown geometry. This is the main advantage of the proposed solution since, under industrial conditions, any cones are readily available (cutters, punches, etc.). Previously encountered in the literature, algorithms were based on a standardized sphere of known size. The disadvantage of the solution is that the data for determining the coordinates of the tool must be obtained in a strictly defined way: first, through Cartesian motions without rotation, and then through rotation without Cartesian motions. The presented solution was simulated and verified on a real object. In addition, the obtained solution was applied to determine the TCP of a robot equipped with a 2D scanner during two research projects.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, A.B., K.K. and D.S.; methodology, K.K., M.M. and A.B.; software, A.B., K.K. and D.S.; validation, M.M., A.B. and J.T.; formal analysis, A.B., K.K. and D.S.; investigation, A.B., K.K. and M.M.; resources, A.B. and J.T.; data curation, A.B. and D.S.; writing—original draft preparation, A.B., M.M. and K.K.; writing—review and editing, M.M.; visualization, K.K., J.T. and D.S.; supervision, A.B. and M.M.; project administration, A.B. and D.S.; funding acquisition, A.B. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This project is financed by the National Centre for Research and Development of the Republic of Poland within the “Intelligent Development” program for years 2014–2020. Project number POIR.01.01.01-00-0016/19, amount granted 2,202,478 PLN.

Data Availability Statement

The datasets used and analyzed during the current study are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


TCPTool center point;
XL, YL, ZLThe reference system that is associated with the 2D scanner.
XK, YK, ZKThe system associated with the measuring point.
X0, Y0, Z0The base frame of the robot.
XT, YT, ZTReference system at the central point T of the robot.
x0, y0, z0Coordinates of the cone apex in the base coordinate system X0, Y0, Z0.
A 0 T The transformation matrix of the homogeneous coordinate system from the robot base to the effector.
R 0 T The rotation matrix of the coordinate system at point T relative to the base frame.
T 0 T A vector of displacement of the system to a point T from the base frame.
A T L There is a search matrix. It is a matrix with unknown translation and rotation. The elements of the matrix result from the way the laser sensor is mounted.
R T L The rotation matrix of the system associated with point L relative to the flanking system.
T T L The vector of the shift of the coordinate system from the flange to point L.
A K L The transformation matrix of the homogeneous system associated with the values measured by the 2D laser system.
R K L The rotation matrix of the system associated with the top of the cone.
T K L The vector of the shift of the coordinate system from the top of the cone to the coordinate system of the measurement system.
A O K Transformation matrix of the homogeneous coordinate system from the robot base to the tip of the cone.
R O K Rotation matrix of the system associated with the cone vertex in the robot base system.
T 0 K The vector between the base frame and the calibration point.
φ 1 6 Angles in the robot joints.


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Figure 1. Robot equipped with scanner, calibration cone and adopted reference systems.
Figure 1. Robot equipped with scanner, calibration cone and adopted reference systems.
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Figure 2. Assumed reference systems used in the calibration algorithm.
Figure 2. Assumed reference systems used in the calibration algorithm.
Electronics 13 04292 g002
Figure 3. Schematic from which the T K L = 1.031 ,    0.95 ,    8.424 T vector was read in the program.
Figure 3. Schematic from which the T K L = 1.031 ,    0.95 ,    8.424 T vector was read in the program.
Electronics 13 04292 g003
Figure 4. Schematic from which the vector T K L = 8.012 ,    4.669 ,    7.072 T was read in the program.
Figure 4. Schematic from which the vector T K L = 8.012 ,    4.669 ,    7.072 T was read in the program.
Electronics 13 04292 g004
Figure 5. Station and software to determine tool geometry: (a) robotic workstation; (b) Keyence Navigator window.
Figure 5. Station and software to determine tool geometry: (a) robotic workstation; (b) Keyence Navigator window.
Electronics 13 04292 g005
Figure 6. CAD model of the tool in two views with the coordinates of point L marked.
Figure 6. CAD model of the tool in two views with the coordinates of point L marked.
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MDPI and ACS Style

Burghardt, A.; Kurc, K.; Szybicki, D.; Muszyńska, M.; Tutak, J. The Algorithm for Determining the TCP Point of a 2D Scanner Using a Conical Element. Electronics 2024, 13, 4292.

AMA Style

Burghardt A, Kurc K, Szybicki D, Muszyńska M, Tutak J. The Algorithm for Determining the TCP Point of a 2D Scanner Using a Conical Element. Electronics. 2024; 13(21):4292.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Burghardt, Andrzej, Krzysztof Kurc, Dariusz Szybicki, Magdalena Muszyńska, and Jacek Tutak. 2024. "The Algorithm for Determining the TCP Point of a 2D Scanner Using a Conical Element" Electronics 13, no. 21: 4292.

APA Style

Burghardt, A., Kurc, K., Szybicki, D., Muszyńska, M., & Tutak, J. (2024). The Algorithm for Determining the TCP Point of a 2D Scanner Using a Conical Element. Electronics, 13(21), 4292.

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