1. Introduction
Joint clearance is generated by the early processing accuracy and assembly requirements of various parts of the mechanical system and gradually increases after a long period of time. With the continuous improvement in agricultural machinery accuracy requirements, the impact of joint clearance on agricultural machinery can no longer be ignored. The constant increase in joint clearance size affects the mechanical characteristics of the adjacent components of the mechanism, thus creating negative effects, such as vibration, noise, wear, and heat, in the working process of the mechanism system; this also leads to a gradual decrease in the motion accuracy of the mechanism. Additionally, the dynamic performance deviates from what is expected, which ultimately affects the working efficiency and service life of the mechanism systems. Because joint clearances can seriously affect the dynamic behavior and reliability of mechanical systems, the mechanism becomes a nonlinear multi-degree-of-freedom system. Such nonlinearity seriously affects the motion accuracy of the actuator and the stability of the system, which requires high-precision motions [
1]. The influence of joint clearances on the mechanism system mainly involves the following: (1) The joint clearances will inevitably cause the joint elements to have additional contact collisions during normal movement. Contact collision has a significant impact on the motion accuracy of the mechanism, especially the actuator. (2) The joint clearances will gradually increase with the extending operating time of the mechanism, and the reduction in the motion accuracy and reliability of the mechanism will become more evident. (3) Between the dynamic pairs containing joint clearance, the joint wear generated by the contact collision force will further increase the size of joint clearance, and long-term operation will inevitably lead to a decrease in the motion precision and life expectancy of the mechanism. At present, the requirements for the stability and motion accuracy of mechanisms are increasing every year, especially in the fields of intelligent agricultural machinery, industrial robotics, and aerospace [
2]. In mechanical operations, due to the low processing precision of mechanical parts and insufficient assembly precision, increased joint clearances of mechanical systems increase, while aggravated wear and tear, as well as declined productivity, also occur from time to time.
In recent years, many scholars have investigated different types of mechanisms containing space clearances based on the study of the planar clearance mechanism. Flores [
4] modeled and simulated the space multi-body system, taking lubrication and spherical joint clearances into consideration, and analyzed the dynamic characteristics of the actuator of spherical joints with and without clearance lubrication, using the space crank slider mechanism (RSSR) as the example. Based on the preliminary research relating to the configuration synthesis, statics, and dynamics of the parallel mechanism, Wang [
5] proposed a parallel mechanism with four degrees of freedom, which can achieve three rotations and one movement; Wang also analyzed in detail the influence of the parallel mechanism on its dynamic performance using numerical solution when considering spherical joint clearances. Also, with the parallel mechanism as their research object, Hou [
6] adopted the Newton–Euler method to establish a dynamic model of the parallel mechanism (3-RSR) considering the spherical joint clearances, used the fourth-order Runge Kutta method to obtain the solution, and subsequently evaluated the simulation results. Tian [
7] used the Reynolds equation to investigate the effects of fluid lubrication on the open-loop mechanism (double-pendulum) and the closed-loop mechanism (RSSR) containing spherical joint clearances and compared the results with the computational results obtained from the ADAMS software 2008. They proved that the introduction of fluid lubricant at the mechanism clearance joints can prevent the direct collision of the ball sockets. In [
9], the authors compared and analyzed the slider dynamic results of the spatial slider crank mechanism (RSSP) in the presence of both axial and radial clearances when the axial dimensions of the rotating joints cannot be neglected in the following three different conditions: ideal joints, joints with frictionless clearance, and joints with friction clearance. Moreover, as concerns studies on the mechanisms containing spatial rotating joint clearances, with spatial double pendulums and circuit breakers as an example, Bai [
10] and Narendra Akhadkar [
11] adopted different numerical computation methods to compare and analyze the mechanism without clearances as well as the planar rotating joint mechanism and the spatial rotating joint mechanism. The results show that when both radial and axial clearances were considered for the three-dimensional rotating joints, the dynamic response of the mechanism with spatial motions was more unstable than that of the mechanism considering only radial clearances. For the spatial rotating joints, [
12] the authors proposed a modified model for the contact force of 3D translational clearance joints to investigate the effect of oblique collisions and the geometrical changes in the contact region of double pendulums. The above studies involved in-depth theoretical research into the dynamic performance of different mechanism systems considering joint clearance, but most of them have not been verified by experiments.
Joint clearances may destroy the ideal model of the mechanism motion or increase the assembly clearances caused by the original assembly errors, as a result of which, the collision and vibration between the components will increase, which will have a significant impact on the dynamics performance of the mechanism [
14]. At the same time, this effect will be exacerbated by wear and tear at the mechanism’s clearance. However, because the contact surface continuously changes with the increase in wear, higher requirements are placed on the calculation methods and accuracy of wear prediction. With a planar linkage mechanism as an example, Mukras S. [
15] proposed a numerical modeling and design method to predict the vibrational wear of the contact body, which optimizes the wear prediction algorithm in terms of both computational cost and efficiency while guaranteeing computational accuracy. Based on their research, studies were carried out to investigate the effect of joint wear on the kinematics of a simple crank slider mechanism and the impact of the change in the mechanism kinematics on joint wear [
18]. Based on the previous research on the collision problem of revolute joints with clearances, Flores [
19] used the Achard wear model to quantify the pressure in the contact area and the wear caused by relative sliding by calculating the contact force, and proposed a wear prediction method for rotating joints with clearances. Wang [
22] proposed an approximate calculation method for the contact area of spherical joints with clearances based on the multi-body system motion equation, and predicted the impact of wear-induced spherical joints with clearances on the dynamic performance of the spatial multi-body system. Zhuang [
23] introduced a time-varying wear coefficient considering different lubrication conditions, simulated the wear of individual rotating joints by continuously updating the contact nodes, and verified the validity of the method in experiments evaluating the wear of rotating joints of the cabin door of an airplane. Feng [
24] proposed a new method for calculating the wear depth taking into account the effect of Hertz deformation, and evaluated the effectiveness of the improved wear calculation method in gear wear prediction by carrying out durability experiments under two different lubrication conditions. Using a solar panel system as an example, Li [
25] explored a multi-body system’s dynamic response and wear characteristics considering joints with coating and clearances. A rigid–flexible coupling system was established based on the NCF–ANCF formula, in which NCF represents nodal coordinate formulation and ANCF represents absolute nodal coordinate formulation, and the clearance joint model was constructed based on the novel contact law considering coatings, the modified Coulomb Law of Friction and the Archard Wear Law. It is not difficult to see that the above wear prediction calculation is primarily based on the Archard wear model, mainly because the Archard wear model can be easily solved by normal contact force and slip distance. The model is a linear wear model, and the wear depth is highly convenient for the dynamic research based on the calculation of contact collision force using the continuous contact model.
Based on the above research status on the dynamics of clearance mechanism and contact force models considering coating and wear prediction methods, it can be seen that there is not much research on the dynamics of mechanism systems involving joint clearance, especially considering the coating as a method to reduce system vibration caused by clearance. Since the dynamics of the mechanism with joint clearance is affected by many factors, such as clearance value, driving speed, and number of clearances, most of the studies on joint clearance with rotating and spherical joints are only theoretical studies and lack relevant experimental verification. Considering that the experiment period of the coating on the vibration reduction and wear resistance of the mechanism system is long and the operation is complex, the method of variable driving speed and clearance value can be used to study the mechanism system dynamics. Therefore, with the scissors mechanism of the soybean picking and sorting machine as the prototype of our study, we mainly investigated the dynamics and joint wear of the spatial linkage mechanism considering the coating and the spherical joint clearances and validated the previous conclusions on the influence of spherical joint clearances on the dynamics of the mechanism through experiments, thus proving our conclusions on the wear prediction of spherical joint clearances considering coatings and the feasibility of our computation method. Our experimental study can provide necessary data support for using coatings to improve the dynamic performance and productivity of the system of intelligent agricultural equipment. Our paper is organized as follows:
- (i)
We introduce the background and significance of our study, mainly including the method of analyzing the dynamics of the mechanism containing spherical joint clearances, the current research on the effects of coatings in vibration reduction and abrasion resistance of the mechanism, as well as the commonly used methods of calculating the wear loss of joints containing clearances and the improvement measures.
- (ii)
We describe the contact state determination method of the mechanism containing spherical joint clearances, inspired by the spherical joint contact collision force models and the spherical joint clearance wear calculation methods improved by considering the effect of coating properties and dimensions on variable stiffness coefficient in relevant works, and propose the dynamics model and wear prediction process for mechanism containing clearances used in our study.
- (iii)
With the soybean picking and sorting machine designed and developed by the Intelligent Agricultural Machinery Team as a carrier, we consider replacing the actuator of the soybean picking system with a spatial linkage mechanism, independently design and construct a spatial four-bar mechanism (RSSP) experimental platform, and introduce how to build the experimental platform and its structural composition.
- (iv)
Using the constructed experimental platform and multiple test pieces (spherical joints), we measure the acceleration amplitude of the moving element and the wear depth of the inner surface of the shell under the same driving speed in different working conditions, compare the experimental data with the theoretical results, and validate the correctness of the previous analysis method and results.
- (v)
The research content of this paper is summarized, and the innovation of the research conclusion is presented. The results of this paper provide a feasible and reliable theoretical basis for reducing system vibration and increasing the service life of intelligent agricultural equipment while considering joint clearances in the future.
3. Design of Experimental Platform Containing Spherical Joint Clearances
With the continuous development of agricultural mechanization in China, the research and testing of agricultural machinery and equipment according to the requirements of intelligent and refined operations have attracted the attention of many scholars [
36]. It is imperative to conduct studies on the automation and intelligence of small agricultural machinery in western hilly areas [
37]. To solve the problems of high loss rate, crushing rate, and impurity rate during the harvesting operation of soybean combined harvesters [
38], the research and development team of the author carried out research on the problems with many soybean picking machines; it is difficult to adapt them to diverse terrains, and they have a short working life and high loss rate [
41]. At the same time, the development and testing of the prototype were started simultaneously, and the prototype model for this stage is shown in
Figure 6a. The initial model design includes soybean picking, threshing, and sorting. Considering the precision of action control during the entire machine operation and the convenience of subsequent component maintenance, for the scissor action of the picking part, we planned to use the spatial linkage mechanism, as shown in
Figure 6b, as the driving component. To evaluate the dynamic performance of this component under long-term operation, a spatial crank slider mechanism (RSSP), including spherical joint clearances and coatings was built, as shown in
Figure 6c. The size of each rod in the model was proportional to the size of the original driving component. As for the overall structural design of the experimental platform and the machining and assembly of various components, consideration should be made in the following aspects: (i) Consider the interchangeability requirements of ideal joints and clearance joints, and the dimensions of the experimental platform and its components should be easy for disassembly and operation. (ii) The driving rod and connecting rod are homogeneous rods. Considering the influence of the inertial force of the components on the reaction force of the ideal spherical joints, to reduce the inherent error of the experimental platform, the balance mass blocks are added at both ends of the driving rod and connecting rod, so that the center of mass of each component will be maximally close to the geometric center. (iii) Limited by the experimental conditions, the rotating joint clearances are not considered in the experimental platform, so the rolling bearings are chosen as the rotating joints of the driving rod. The outer surface of the sphere and the inner surface of the shell of the two spherical joints are polished by sanding and polishing, and there are no requirements for the surface roughness of the remaining parts. (iv) The outer diameter of the sphere of ideal spherical joints is equal to the shell’s inner diameter. In contrast, the difference between the outer diameter of the sphere of spherical joints containing clearances and the shell’s inner diameter is 0.25 mm. Before adding a coating to the inner surface of the shell of the spherical joints containing clearances, it must be polished multiple times to ensure that its inner diameter is 0.08~0.12 mm smaller than the inner diameter of the shell of the ideal spherical joints.