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Soil Texture, Soil Moisture, and Sentinel-1 Backscattering: Towards the Retrieval of Field-Scale Soil Hydrological Properties

Claire Stanyer
Irene Seco-Rizo
Clement Atzberger
2 and
Belen Marti-Cardona
Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences, University of Surrey, Guildford GU2 7XH, UK
Mantle-Labs Ltd., London W1J 5RL, UK
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Submission received: 9 November 2024 / Revised: 16 January 2025 / Accepted: 29 January 2025 / Published: 5 February 2025


Monitoring soil moisture (SM) on individual crop fields is of great interest for agricultural applications. Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) systems such as Sentinel-1 provide sensitivity to surface SM at a spatial resolution compatible with crop-field monitoring. Different algorithms have been proposed to relate SAR backscattering to SM, yet most overlook soil texture as a modulating factor. This study investigated the influence of soil texture, closely related to soil hydrological properties, on the relationship between Sentinel-1 C-band backscattering and surface SM using extensive data from the agricultural sites of the COSMOS-UK monitoring network. Our results evidenced the semi-empirical first-order relationship between SM and field-averaged VV backscattering, and found that the gradient of their linear regression was indicative of soil texture. For instance, in sandy loam soil the S1 response showed high sensitivity to SM with a change of 1.69% SM per dB; this compared with the lower sensitivity of a clayey soil at a change of 4.81% SM per dB. These findings lay the ground for the retrieval of field-scale soil hydrological properties from backscatter temporal patterns, when used in synergy with rainfall data and process-based soil-moisture models.

1. Introduction

Soil moisture (SM) is a critical climate variable [1], influencing numerous environmental processes including hydrology [2,3], agriculture [4,5,6], and climate regulation [7,8,9]. Satellite sensors have become invaluable tools for monitoring surface SM over large areas on a regular basis. As microwaves are particularly sensitive to the dielectric characteristics of observed surfaces, and by extension, to the moisture present [10], they have been used in preference to thermal and optical wavelength measurements [11,12]. Satellite-based SM products include those using passive microwave radiometers such as AMSR-2 [13] and SMOS [11,14], those using active microwave scatterometers such as ASCAT [15] and the Copernicus Global Land Service SSM [16], and the active–passive SMAP product [17]. Passive radiometers are highly sensitive to surface SM but are limited by their coarse spatial resolution, which is insufficient for monitoring moisture conditions at the scale of individual crop fields. Satellite synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data, on the other hand, provide the necessary resolution to capture field-level details [18] but are similarly restricted to surface-level moisture measurements. The Sentinel-1 (S1) satellites from the European Space Agency (ESA)’s Copernicus Programme acquire C-band SAR observations globally at a spatial resolution (10–20 m) and frequency (every 6 days or fewer) compatible with crop-field moisture monitoring needs [19]. Further, C-band microwaves are minimally affected by cloud cover, allowing observations regardless of meteorological conditions.
A large body of research has related SAR backscattering to SM, independently or in fusion with radiometer data [20,21,22,23,24]. It is well known that the main factors that determine C-band backscattering from agricultural targets, assuming constant observation geometry and polarization, are soil surface roughness [25], vegetation cover [26], and surface dielectric constants [10,27] which is mostly dependent on moisture content. For a field with bare soil and constant surface roughness, the backscattering coefficient (in dB) has been shown to vary linearly with SM [27]. This property has been exploited by widely adopted SAR-based SM retrieval algorithms, on the assumption that, over short periods of time and for the same location (i.e., same soil texture), changes in backscatter will be mainly due to changes in SM (via the dielectric constant) rather than to the variation in other less-fluctuating factors (mainly surface roughness). Notable examples of this approach are TU Wien change detection (TUWCD) [23] and short-term change detection (STCD) [24].
Meanwhile, advances in the remote detection and mapping of precipitation, using remote sensing methods calibrated with rain gauges, have significantly improved accuracy. Widely available satellite-based precipitation datasets include GPM-IMERG [28,29], GPCP-1dd [30], CPC-Global [31], TRMM [32], GSMaP [33], PERSIANN-CCS [34], CMORPH [35], MSWEP [36], and CHIRPS [37]. These precipitation datasets, when integrated with process-based models, can simulate infiltration and soil-moisture dynamics in crop fields. However, the global application of such simulation tools in agriculture faces a major challenge: obtaining precise information about soil texture and hydrological properties at the scale of individual fields.
This study lays the groundwork for a novel approach to achieve soil-moisture estimations for individual crop fields. The aim was to retrieve soil infiltration properties—closely related to soil texture—from the temporal behaviour of C-band SAR backscatter, as indicated by previous research [38]. By incorporating these infiltration properties into process-based models, alongside remotely sensed meteorological data, it becomes possible to simulate soil moisture at the root-zone level. In this study, surface soil-moisture data were collected from the COSMOS-UK network, which measures average soil moisture over an area of approximately 200 m in diameter [39]. This footprint provides a better representation of crop field-wide surface SM compared to point-probe readings, as validated in prior work [38]. The analysis revealed that the backscatter-SM relationship was dependent on soil texture across the studied sites, with finer-textured soils exhibiting lower sensitivity compared with sandier soils. These initial findings underscore the potential of this approach and justify further exploration to fully harness its capabilities for field-level soil-moisture mapping and management.

2. Materials and Methods

2.1. Study Sites (Locations)

This study focused on 17 sites of the UK COsmic-ray Soil-Moisture Observing System (COSMOS-UK, [39]), referred to in this study as Locations. The COSMOS-UK network has 52 monitoring sites, 17 of which are classified as agricultural and horticultural (A&H). All A&H sites were selected for this investigation as they are likely to have periods of low vegetation after harvesting, during which the C-band return is dominated by the surface backscattering from the soil. Figure 1 indicates the location and name of the study sites. The UK 1 m LiDAR survey flight indicated that all sites have a largely horizontal topography, with maximum slopes lower than 1.3% in all cases [40] Aerial views of the site, showing consistency within Field-Sectors, are shown later in the study. Of the 17 A&H Locations, 14 are in England, 2 in Scotland and 1 in Northern Ireland.

2.2. Datasets

2.2.1. Soil-Moisture Data

Soil moisture (SM) measurements were obtained from COSMOS-UK in the form of volumetric water content (VWC). Established by the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology (CEH) in 2013, the COSMOS-UK network measures soil moisture based on the attenuation of cosmic-ray-induced neutrons by water [41]. The retrieved SM corresponds to an area of 150 to 200 m radius (variable with SM). Thus, these measurements provide an integrative value more representative of the field moisture status than punctual probe readings which are often hindered by large spatial variance [42].
The retrieved SM corresponds to the topsoil layer of approximately 20 cm depth, whilst S1 C-band is sensitive to a finer soil layer of approximately 5 cm. However, studies such as [43] have investigated the relationship between derived C-band SM and COSMOS SM data, showing that satellite-derived soil-moisture products correlate well with cosmic-ray neutron probes such as COSMOS, with such probes being suitable for calibration of remote-sensed SM. Both COSMOS and S1 sensors are sensitive to the average SM over an extended area rather than to point-specific SM. A previous study [38] demonstrated a strong linear relationship between COSMOS and S1 observations, which was notably stronger than the relationship between S1 backscatter and 10 cm-deep point probe readings in the same area. Further, the aim of this study was to investigate the sensitivity of the S1 backscatter-SM gradient to soil texture. As such, the relationship between COSMOS and S1 observations was sufficient for relative comparisons.
COSMOS-UK SM records and metadata were available from 2013 to 2022, at 30 min intervals from the start of observations to 31/12/2019, and at daily intervals from 01/01/2020 to 30/11/2022) The data were cleansed, merged, and averaged, where appropriate, to generate a single SM time series at daily intervals for each Location. Days with missing recordings were omitted. The obtained SM time series were generally complete; therefore, this omission did not affect the time-series integrity. Figure 2 illustrates the SM records and their temporal availability at the A&H Locations. The overall average surface SM was 41% VWC in the winter (December, January, February) and 29% VWC in the summer (June July, August). The average SM at a Location during the entire period 2013 to 2022 varied between 19% VWC at the BUNNY station and 67% VWC at RDMER, whilst the minimum and maximum recorded SM between 2013 and 2022 were 4% VWC at BUNNY and 75% VWC at RDMER.

2.2.2. Soil Type

The coordinates of the sensor locations, as supplied in the COSMOS-UK metadata, were used to query the UK Soil Observatory (UKSO) Soil Texture database [44]. This provided soil texture descriptions (Table 1) which were used to position each Location in the appropriate sector of the soil texture triangle [45], as shown in Figure 3. The COSMOS description of the Location was used, where necessary, to moderate this placement. Note that the soil texture triangle relates to the mineral content of soil (in % weight) based on particle size. FIVET had no UKSO or COSMOS description, and RDMER was described as “peat” which does not sit on the soil texture triangle.

2.2.3. Copernicus Sentinel Data

This study used all S1A and S1B imagery from April 2014 to November 2022 available for the study sites. The S1 satellites are active systems which emit pulses of C-band electromagnetic radiation at a frequency of 5.405 GHz and record their backscatter from the Earth. The S1 data utilized were acquired in interferometric wide (IW) swath mode and dual polarization vertical–vertical (VV) and vertical–horizontal (VH) [46]. Only the VV polarization data were used due to their higher sensitivity to SM variations [47]. We used the level-1 ground range detected (GRD) product, with a ground spacing distance of 10mx10m.This was accessed through the Google Earth Engine (GEE) platform, image collection COPERNICUS/S1_GRD [46], which had the following Sentinel-1 Toolbox processing applied to derive the backscattering coefficient: orbit file applied, border noise and thermal noise removed, radiometric calibration values applied, terrain correction, and conversion to decibels (dB).
Sentinel-2 bottom-of-atmosphere images were accessed through GEE’s image collection COPERNICUS/S2_SR [48]. Sentinel-2 bands 3 and 8, with spatial resolution of 10 m, were used for calculating the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) for each study plot. This was done for all cloud-free S2 images of the study sites from April 2017 until 2022.
Figure 2 indicates the temporal availability of S1 and S2 imagery for the study sites relative to the COSMOS SM data.

2.3. Methodology

The overall methodology for this study is illustrated in the flowchart in Figure 4. The steps are described in detail in the following sections.

2.3.1. Delineation of the Study Field-Sectors

The area observed by a COSMOS sensor is known to be around 12 ha [39]. The COSMOS sensors’ footprint was therefore approximated in this study by a circle of radius 195 m centered at the sensors’ location. Field-Sectors were delineated at the intersection between the COSMOS footprint and the adjacent crop fields. Different Field-Sectors at the same site were labelled as P, Q, R, etc. The delineation excluded a buffer of approximately 10 m to the crop-field borders to avoid features such as hedges or trees. It was desirable that the Field-Sectors had an area of 4 ha or larger, to reduce the deleterious effect of speckle by averaging the backscattering inside. To this aim, the delineation of some sectors was extended outside the COSMOS footprint, with the assumption that the SM of the field could be considered uniform. A schematic of an example delineation is shown in Figure 5.
Figure 6 shows the Field-Sectors associated with each Location (COSMOS sensor site).
The average area of the 40 delineated Field-Sectors was 4.88 hectares, ranging from RDMER_P at 11.52 hectares to WIMPL_R at 4.03 hectares, with the exception of FIVET_(P, Q, R, S) being atypically small at an average of 1.54 hectares. Areas of Field-Sectors are shown in Appendix A Table A1. Locations without any Field-Sectors with periods of low vegetation were subsequently removed from the analysis (see Section 2.3.3).

2.3.2. Field-Sector Average Backscattering and Vegetation Index

The average VV backscattering coefficient within the delineated Field-Sectors at each Location was calculated for all available S1 observations in the study period. Backscattering values were converted to linear form for averaging and then scaled back to dB. The NDVI pixel values were also averaged within the Field-Sectors for all cloud-free S2 images (Section 2.3.3).

2.3.3. Selection of Low-Vegetation Periods

As the vegetation canopy hinders the relationship between C-band SAR backscatter and SM, this analysis focused on times when the vegetation cover was low and the soil surface backscattering dominated the C-band response. Periods of low vegetation cover (L-periods) were selected for each study sector if they had NDVI values lower than 0.35 for a period encompassing at least 20 S1 observations. This threshold was chosen as being indicative of sparse to medium density herbaceous vegetation coverage, for which empirical and radiative transfer models demonstrate the dominance of C-band surface backscattering [26], whilst allowing sufficiently long periods for the analysis.
The L-periods were refined and verified visually by displaying NDVI maps for each site and S2 image using the GEE platform. The L-periods were sequentially labelled as L1, L2, L3, etc., for each Field-Sector, giving the naming convention of Location_Field-Sector_L-period. For example, BALRD_P_L2 denotes the COSMOS sensor Location “BALRD (Balruddery)”, Field-Sector “P” and the L-period (low vegetation period) number “2”. No L-periods were found for the FIVET Location (Field-Sectors P, Q, R, and S reviewed), whilst RDMER Location (Field P) L-periods did not overlap with COSMOS-UK SM data. This left a total of 15 analysis Locations, 30 Location_Field-Sectors, and 90 Location_Field-Sector_L-periods. These are shown in Figure 7.

2.3.4. S1 Time-Series Processing

Study Locations were imaged by S1 from different relative orbits with different SAR beam incidence angles. Despite the S1 data product used having been corrected for local incidence angle (through terrain correction), a shift between backscattering values corresponding to different orbits was observed for each Location. This shift was empirically estimated for each Location as follows: the average backscattering of each separate orbit’s complete S1 time-series values (~8 years of data points, all covering the same complete time range) was calculated and compared to the average value for all orbits combined at that Location. The difference between both values, referred to as shift correction (SC), ranged between +1.396 and –1.567 and was applied as a single shift per orbit and Location, over S1 incidence angles ranging between 30.2° and 45.3°. This empirical correction allowed the integration of multi-orbit backscattering from each Location into a single, higher-frequency time series for subsequent analysis. Appendix B provides a detailed description of the SC, illustrating the effect of its application to the S1 data.
Subsequent to the SC, a smoother algorithm was applied to the S1 backscattering time series, as performed in [49]. The applied SC allowed the successful application of a rolling window average encompassing three consecutive observations, notably more conservative than others in the literature (e.g., 14 points in [49]) and therefore able to retain high-frequency moisture variation information.

2.3.5. Analysis of the Relationship Between VV Backscattering and Soil-Moisture

Scatter plots of the S1 VV backscattering coefficient (in dB), processed as described, versus SM were produced per Field-Sector for each study Location. The linear gradient observed in the scatter plots was measured and its goodness-of-fit assessed for each independent L-period (Location_Field-Sector_L-period). Mean values of the gradients within each Location were subsequently calculated. This was a more accurate measure than using all L-period points for a Location due to the effect of soil roughness, which was considered largely stable during a single L-period but could change in between them. The S1 processing described in Section 2.3.4 improved the coefficient of determination (R2) to the linear best-fit of S1 backscatter with SM by an average of 54%. The mean of the S1 vs. SM gradients was calculated for each Location.

3. Results and Discussion

Figure 8 depicts the results of the SM versus backscattering analysis for the UK-COSMOS Location COCLP. The Field-Sectors are shown in (a) as white polygons labelled P, Q, and R, overlaid on the COSMOS sensor footprint (in red). The SM versus S1 backscatter scatter plot of all the COCLP data (one L-period for COCLP_P, two L-periods for COCLP_Q, and three L-periods for COCLP_R) is shown in (b). Displays (c) to (f) are the scatter plots for each individual Location_Field-Sector_L-period with their linear regression annotated with their gradient and R2 values. The S1 VV backscattering (in dB) and SM (in % VWC) display a clear linear trend. This display highlights the validity of each individual data series gradient (described by Location_Field-Sector_L-period), and the similarity of gradient between the different Location_Field-Sector_L-periods at a Location. This reinforces that a particular bare-soil S1 backscatter will be sensitive in a predictable way to SM.
Figure 9 shows the SM versus S1 backscattering plots for all Field-Sector_L-periods by UK-COSMOS Location. The plots clearly show a linear relationship for the majority of Field-Sectors and bare-soil L-periods, as predicted by the semi-empirical linear equation [50].
Appendix C Table A4 details the mean gradients by Field-Sector and L-period for all Locations, along with other relevant information. Figure 10 shows the mean gradient by Location, arranged in order of increasing gradient (not related to soil texture at this point). The gradient was relatively invariant between L-periods at the same Location, highlighting the fact that it is a characteristic of each Location/Field-Sector. Mean gradients varied between FINCH with 0.70%/dB and COCLP at 5.52%/dB.
Figure 10. Mean SM versus backscattering gradient for all Field-Sector L-periods for each Location. Note: Locations are organized by gradient, not by soil characteristics. Figure 11 presents the gradients determined for each location as color-coded boxes on the soil texture triangle. The color-code indicates the gradient magnitude, while their location on the triangle is determined the UKSO soil texture description for the site.
Figure 10. Mean SM versus backscattering gradient for all Field-Sector L-periods for each Location. Note: Locations are organized by gradient, not by soil characteristics. Figure 11 presents the gradients determined for each location as color-coded boxes on the soil texture triangle. The color-code indicates the gradient magnitude, while their location on the triangle is determined the UKSO soil texture description for the site.
Remotesensing 17 00542 g010
Figure 11. Mean SM versus backscattering gradient per Location, displayed on the soil texture triangle according to the Location’s texture.
Figure 11. Mean SM versus backscattering gradient per Location, displayed on the soil texture triangle according to the Location’s texture.
Remotesensing 17 00542 g011
The gradient distribution over the texture triangle suggests a pattern where Locations to the top (with higher clay content) have steeper gradients than those to the base of the soil triangle (lower clay content). The FINCH Location has the lowest gradient of all Locations; however, it is described as loam in UKSO. This low gradient may have been due to specific agricultural practices to improve drainage, or due to the presence of chalk (mentioned in the soil description) which also improves the drainage. However, this remains to be further investigated.
Figure 12 shows the 15 Locations, along with their soil texture description, in order of increasing (nominal, UKSO) clay content. This shows, similarly, that sandy and loamy Locations tend to have lower gradients whilst clayey Locations are on the opposite end: for example, the sandy BUNNY soil S1 response was more sensitive to SM, with a change of 1.69% SM per dB of S1 response, than the lower sensitivity of S1 response to SM of the clay LODTN soil with a change of 4.81% SM per dB of S1 response, a factor of 2.8. At the extremes of this study, sensitivity to SM varied between FINCH with a high sensitivity of 0.7% SM per dB of S1 response and COCLP with a low sensitivity of 5.53% SM per dB of S1 response, a factor of 7.9.
It was also noted that four Locations (FINCH, ELMST, MORLY, and SHEEP) had chalk as part of their soil description: there is a possibility that chalk content may have increased the sensitivity of S1 backscatter to SM. This potential behavior is supported by [51] which suggests that calcium carbonate content improves the workability of soil, and that clay-sized chalk grains should be treated as silt.

4. Conclusions

This study found and quantified the impact of soil texture in the relationship between S1 VV backscattering and superficial SM. We analyzed this relationship using over five years of SM data for crop fields and S1 VV backscattering, averaged over field sector. UK-COSMOS SM measurements were utilized as they are more representative of the field-wide moisture than readings from punctual probes. The semi-empirical linear relationship between SM and field-averaged S1 VV backscattering (dB) was observed in periods of low vegetation (L-periods), with coefficients of determination higher than 0.5 in 57% of the study sites. For a given location, the gradient of this relationship was maintained across L-periods although a shift may have occurred, presumably due to soil roughness changes (e.g., due to ploughing) in between L-periods.
Although limited by the number of sites that could be analyzed, our results strongly suggest that C-band VV backscattering is dependent on the soil texture with mean gradients varying between the high sensitivity of 1.69% VWC SM per dB of S1 response for a sandy soil and the low sensitivity of 4.81% VWC SM per dB of S1 response for a clay soil.
This finding is highly relevant as it lays the ground for a new approach to utilizing C-band SAR data, which is to retrieve soil texture properties at the crop-field scale. Given the increasing frequency and accuracy of gridded global precipitation and meteorological data and the availability of reliable soil-moisture simulation models, soil properties at the field scale can be optimized so that the simulated surface SM keeps a linear relationship with S1 VV backscattering field averages over low vegetation periods. This approach is supported by the results of [38], who successfully optimized soil parameters to align simulated soil-moisture trends with S1 VV backscattering time series.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, C.A., I.S.-R., B.M.-C. and C.S.; methodology, C.S., B.M.-C. and I.S.-R.; data curation C.S.; investigation, C.S.; formal analysis, C.S.; visualization, C.S. and B.M.-C.; writing—original draft. C.S.; supervision, B.M.-C.; writing—review and editing, C.A. and B.M.-C. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This work was initially supported by the SPace Research & Innovation Network for Technology (SPRINT) Programme, with funding from UK Research and Innovation and by Mantle-Labs Ltd. The University of Surrey is funding a PhD research that expands the former project.

Data Availability Statement

The COSMOS original data presented in the study are openly available from the Environmental Information Data Centre at (accessed on 1 December 2022). The Sentinel data presented in the study are openly available from the ESA Copernicus Open Access hub at (accessed on 1 December 2022). The UKSO data presented in the study are openly available from the UK Soil Observatory at (accessed on 1 February 2024).


The authors would like to thank the UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology for providing the UK COSMOS VWC experimental data used in this study. We also express our sincere gratitude to Professor David Robinson for his insightful suggestions.

Conflicts of Interest

The author Clement Atzberger is employed by the Mantle-Labs Ltd. The funders had no role in the design of the study; in the collection, analyses, or interpretation of data; in the writing of the manuscript; or in the decision to publish the results.

Appendix A. List of Fields and Their Surface Area

Table A1. Location_Field-Sector areas.
Table A1. Location_Field-Sector areas.
Location_Field-SectorArea (ha)

Appendix B. Empirical Shift Correction

Most Locations in this study were imaged from four S1 orbits. For example, the STGHT S1 backscatter time-series consisted of interleaved, roughly daily observations from orbits numbered 30, 81, 132, and 154, of which orbits 30 and 132 were ascending and 81 and 154 were descending. Figure A1 shows the STGHT_P Location along with its all-orbits S1 backscatter time-series.
Figure A1. (a) STGHT_P Location and (b) recorded S1 backscatter 01/07/2017 to 30/11/2022.
Figure A1. (a) STGHT_P Location and (b) recorded S1 backscatter 01/07/2017 to 30/11/2022.
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C-band backscattering was dependent on the observation geometry, having a non-linear reduction with increased incidence angle. Given the relatively small size of the Locations, the change of S1 incidence angle across them was very low, and a single SC was appropriate per orbit and Location. Table A2 illustrates the range of incidence angles for STGHT.
Table A2. STGHT orbit information.
Table A2. STGHT orbit information.
STGHT OrbitAscending/DescendingAverage Angle (Degrees)Minimum Angle (Degrees)Maximum Angle (Degrees)
Figure A2 displays a reduced date range for the recorded S1 backscatter in black, along with the recorded angle for each observation, showing a systematic relationship between the incidence angle and the value of the S1 backscatter.
Figure A2. STGHT Location S1 backscatter for all orbits (black) and incidence angle (blue) for 27/09/2019 to 09/02/2020.
Figure A2. STGHT Location S1 backscatter for all orbits (black) and incidence angle (blue) for 27/09/2019 to 09/02/2020.
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The S1 time-series for all observations (i.e., including both high and low vegetation periods) was separated into its four component orbits (with a corresponding four times reduction in observation frequency per time series). These are shown in Figure A3. This shows the difference, for this single Location, between the average S1 backscatter value per orbit: e.g., the red orbit 30, at 44.5 degrees, was consistently around 1.5 dB lower than the purple orbit 154 at 33.7 degrees.
Figure A3. STGHT Location S1 backscatter separated into individual orbits.
Figure A3. STGHT Location S1 backscatter separated into individual orbits.
Remotesensing 17 00542 g0a3
As the requirement for the study was to calculate gradients of S1 backscatter against SM per Location (rather than relatively between Locations), a single correction was applied to each orbit per Location in order to align the mean backscatter over the entire time-series. This is shown in Table A3 where each orbit’s mean S1 value (e.g., −10.77 dB, −9.67 dB) is compared to the mean of the entire S1 time series (−10.14).
Table A3. STGHT shift corrections.
Table A3. STGHT shift corrections.
STGHT OrbitAverage Angle (Degrees)Average S1 per Orbit (dB)Average of All S1 (dB)Correction Applied (dB)
Figure A4 shows these corrections graphically.
Figure A4. Orbit− and Location−based single value corrections applied to STGHT location.
Figure A4. Orbit− and Location−based single value corrections applied to STGHT location.
Remotesensing 17 00542 g0a4
Figure A5 shows the S1 backscatter for this STGHT Location, separated into orbits, without and with the correction. This clearly displays the effect of the correction, reducing the systematic shift between the different orbits.
Figure A5. S1 backscatter for each orbit of the STGHT Location: (a) raw and (b) with the application of the calculated shift correction.
Figure A5. S1 backscatter for each orbit of the STGHT Location: (a) raw and (b) with the application of the calculated shift correction.
Remotesensing 17 00542 g0a5aRemotesensing 17 00542 g0a5b
To ensure that this correction which aligned the mean S1 values of the individual orbits (a) improved the reliability of the data and (b) did not skew subsequent analysis, the S1 backscatter vs. SM scatterplots were checked. An example for the STGHT_P_L1 period is shown in Figure A6: the empirical correction shifted the individual orbit points in the x-axis but did not change the gradient or R2 values.
Figure A6. Each orbit of the STGHT location L−period 1, as recorded (a,c,e,g), and with the correction (b,d,f,h).
Figure A6. Each orbit of the STGHT location L−period 1, as recorded (a,c,e,g), and with the correction (b,d,f,h).
Remotesensing 17 00542 g0a6
Figure A7 shows STGHT_P_L1, color-coded by orbit, without and with the application of the calculated shift corrections. It can be seen that the linear regressions for each orbit now aligned, whilst retaining their individual gradients. This application of a single correction per orbit per Location therefore corrected any remaining variation in S1 backscatter.
Figure A7. All orbits for the STGHT location, with linear regressions: (a) raw and (b) with shift correction.
Figure A7. All orbits for the STGHT location, with linear regressions: (a) raw and (b) with shift correction.
Remotesensing 17 00542 g0a7
This analysis and correction generation was performed within every Location, using the entire time-series available. These are shown in Figure A8.
Figure A8. Empirical shift correction values with angle.
Figure A8. Empirical shift correction values with angle.
Remotesensing 17 00542 g0a8

Appendix C. Information per Location_Field-Sector_L-Period

Table A4. Gradients, number of points, and R2 per Location_Field-Sector_L-period.
Table A4. Gradients, number of points, and R2 per Location_Field-Sector_L-period.
LocationMean Gradient (Location)No. of Gradients (Location)Location_FieldMean Gradient (Field)No. of Gradients (Field)L-PeriodStart DateEnd DateNo. of Coincident PointsGradientR2


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Figure 1. COSMOS-UK agricultural and horticultural Locations and names.
Figure 1. COSMOS-UK agricultural and horticultural Locations and names.
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Figure 2. COSMOS-UK SM data: availability periods and VWC variation for the A&H Locations, including minimum, maximum, and average. SM records were used from 2017 onwards, when both S1 and S2 data were available.
Figure 2. COSMOS-UK SM data: availability periods and VWC variation for the A&H Locations, including minimum, maximum, and average. SM records were used from 2017 onwards, when both S1 and S2 data were available.
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Figure 3. Soil texture at the UK-COSMOS Locations, as described by UKSO and COSMOS-UK.
Figure 3. Soil texture at the UK-COSMOS Locations, as described by UKSO and COSMOS-UK.
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Figure 4. Study methodology overview.
Figure 4. Study methodology overview.
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Figure 5. Schematic describing the delineation of Field-Sectors for asample Location. The COSMOS sensor (black star) is at the center of the COSMOS footprint (red circle), which intersects three fields (green polygons). Varying vegetation levels in the fields mean that theree Field-Sectors (blue polygons) needed to be considered independently.
Figure 5. Schematic describing the delineation of Field-Sectors for asample Location. The COSMOS sensor (black star) is at the center of the COSMOS footprint (red circle), which intersects three fields (green polygons). Varying vegetation levels in the fields mean that theree Field-Sectors (blue polygons) needed to be considered independently.
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Figure 6. COSMOS-UK A&H Location_Field-Sector polygons: The red polygons approximate the COSMOS footprints, with the white polygons showing the delineated Field-Sectors used for backscattering avergaing and vegetation assessment.
Figure 6. COSMOS-UK A&H Location_Field-Sector polygons: The red polygons approximate the COSMOS footprints, with the white polygons showing the delineated Field-Sectors used for backscattering avergaing and vegetation assessment.
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Figure 7. Illustration of the low vegetation periods (L−periods) per Location_Field−Sector.
Figure 7. Illustration of the low vegetation periods (L−periods) per Location_Field−Sector.
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Figure 8. SM vs. S1 backscatter for thee COCLP Location: (a) COSMOS footprint (red circle) and with COCLP Field−Sector (white polygons); (b) scatter plot of SM versus backscatter for all COCLP Sectors and L periods; (ch) individual scatterplots for each Location_Field−Sector_L−period.
Figure 8. SM vs. S1 backscatter for thee COCLP Location: (a) COSMOS footprint (red circle) and with COCLP Field−Sector (white polygons); (b) scatter plot of SM versus backscatter for all COCLP Sectors and L periods; (ch) individual scatterplots for each Location_Field−Sector_L−period.
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Figure 9. Scatter plots of SM (VWC in %) against S1 VV backscattering (dB) for all L−periods by UK-COSMOS Location.
Figure 9. Scatter plots of SM (VWC in %) against S1 VV backscattering (dB) for all L−periods by UK-COSMOS Location.
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Figure 12. Location and soil texture in increasing gradient order. Gray highlighting shows Locations with chalk potentially associated.
Figure 12. Location and soil texture in increasing gradient order. Gray highlighting shows Locations with chalk potentially associated.
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Table 1. COSMOS-UK agricultural and horticultural Location soil textures.
Table 1. COSMOS-UK agricultural and horticultural Location soil textures.
Location IDUKSO Soil TypeCOSMOS Description
BALRDClay loam/sandy loamSandy loam
BUNNYSand/sandy loamLoamy sand/sand
COCLPClay loamLoam/clay loam
CRICHClay loam/sandy loamSandy clay loam
ELMSTLoam/clay loam/chalkLoam/clay loam
FINCHLoam/clay loam/chalkLoam
HLACYSandy loamLoam
LODTNClay/clayey loamClay
MORLYClay/clayey loam/chalkClay loam
NWYKEClay loam/silty loamLoam/clay loam
ROTHDClay loamClay loam
SHEEPSilty loam/chalkLoam/chalk
SPENFClay loam/silty loamLoam
STGHTLoam/clay loamLoam/clay loam
WIMPLClay/clay loamClay/clay loam
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MDPI and ACS Style

Stanyer, C.; Seco-Rizo, I.; Atzberger, C.; Marti-Cardona, B. Soil Texture, Soil Moisture, and Sentinel-1 Backscattering: Towards the Retrieval of Field-Scale Soil Hydrological Properties. Remote Sens. 2025, 17, 542.

AMA Style

Stanyer C, Seco-Rizo I, Atzberger C, Marti-Cardona B. Soil Texture, Soil Moisture, and Sentinel-1 Backscattering: Towards the Retrieval of Field-Scale Soil Hydrological Properties. Remote Sensing. 2025; 17(3):542.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Stanyer, Claire, Irene Seco-Rizo, Clement Atzberger, and Belen Marti-Cardona. 2025. "Soil Texture, Soil Moisture, and Sentinel-1 Backscattering: Towards the Retrieval of Field-Scale Soil Hydrological Properties" Remote Sensing 17, no. 3: 542.

APA Style

Stanyer, C., Seco-Rizo, I., Atzberger, C., & Marti-Cardona, B. (2025). Soil Texture, Soil Moisture, and Sentinel-1 Backscattering: Towards the Retrieval of Field-Scale Soil Hydrological Properties. Remote Sensing, 17(3), 542.

Note that from the first issue of 2016, this journal uses article numbers instead of page numbers. See further details here.

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