Object Detection Based on Global-Local Saliency Constraint in Aerial Images
:1. Introduction
- Intricate background noise. The complex background information reduces the accuracy of the region proposal, meaning that the extracted features contain more noise.
- Drastic scale change. Since the flight trajectories and sensors of the different aircraft are not completely consistent, almost every aerial image product has unique resolution and imaging characteristics. In addition, for example, although warships and fishing vessels are both classified as ships, the number of pixels occupied by the different ships varies greatly.
- Lack of consideration of the semantic information between the scene and objects. In remote sensing images, there are scene-object semantic relationships between, for example, aircraft and airports, cars and roads or parking lots, ships and water, and bridges and water. The R-CNN-based algorithms divide the image into different regions and then extract the features, discarding the scene information, which could be used as a constraint.
- Arbitrary target orientation and dense arrangement. Because the image acquisition platform may fly over the target from any angle, the target may have an arbitrary orientation under the overhead view. In addition, scenarios such as ships berthing in sequence at a wharf and densely arranged vehicles driving on crowded roads in a city greatly increase the difficulty of the target detection, and miss-detection can easily occur.
- Lack of aerial image datasets available for neural networks. Compared with the usual natural image datasets, there are relatively limited training datasets available for neural networks.
- We propose the use of a saliency pyramid, which makes the target pixels more distinct from the background.
- We propose a global attention module mechanism, called GA-Net, to constrain the semantic information of the target in the global context, and a fast fusion strategy is used to combine the global information with the objects.
- During the inference stage, we propose the use of an angle-sensitive IoU algorithm to obtain oriented bounding boxes that are as accurate as possible.
2. Related Work
2.1. Object Detection of Aerial Images
2.2. Saliency Detection
2.3. Attention Mechanism
3. Proposed Framework
3.1. Saliency Pyramid
3.2. Global Attention Network
3.3. Angle-Sensitive Non-Maximum Suppression (NMS)
- Step 1: All the bounding boxes are arranged in descending score order, and are referred to as set .
- Step 2: Put the first bounding box into set , and calculate the IoU of and the other bounding boxes in order. If the IoU is greater than the threshold (usually 0.5), is excluded from set , otherwise, it is skipped.
- Step 3: Select the next bounding box in order to put it into set and continue from step 2 until the set is empty.
4. Experiments and Results
4.1. Dataset
4.2. Evaluation Metrics
4.3. Implementation Details
4.4. Ablation Studies
4.4.1. Saliency Pyramid
4.4.2. Global Attention Network
4.4.3. Angle-Sensitive IoU
4.5. Comparison with the State-of-the-Art
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Method | Plane | BD | Bridge | GTF | SV | LV | Ship | TC | BC | ST | SBF | RA | Harbor | SP | HC | mAP |
FR-O [36,85] | 79.42 | 77.13 | 17.7 | 64.05 | 35.3 | 38.02 | 37.16 | 89.41 | 69.64 | 59.28 | 50.3 | 52.91 | 47.89 | 47.4 | 46.3 | 54.13 |
RRPN [85,86] | 80.94 | 65.75 | 35.34 | 67.44 | 59.92 | 50.91 | 55.81 | 90.67 | 66.92 | 72.39 | 55.06 | 52.23 | 55.14 | 53.35 | 48.22 | 61.01 |
R2CNN [54,85] | 88.52 | 71.2 | 31.66 | 59.3 | 51.85 | 56.19 | 57.25 | 90.81 | 72.84 | 67.38 | 56.69 | 52.84 | 53.08 | 51.94 | 53.58 | 60.67 |
Yang et al. [87] | 81.52 | 71.41 | 36.53 | 67.44 | 61.16 | 50.91 | 56.60 | 90.67 | 68.09 | 72.39 | 55.06 | 55.60 | 62.44 | 53.35 | 51.47 | 62.29 |
R-DFPN [85,88] | 80.92 | 65.82 | 33.77 | 58.94 | 55.77 | 50.94 | 54.78 | 90.33 | 66.34 | 68.66 | 48.73 | 51.76 | 55.1 | 51.32 | 35.88 | 57.94 |
RoITransformer [85] | 88.64 | 78.52 | 43.44 | 75.92 | 68.81 | 73.68 | 83.59 | 90.74 | 77.27 | 81.46 | 58.39 | 53.54 | 62.83 | 58.93 | 47.67 | 69.56 |
Azimi et al. [61] | 81.36 | 74.30 | 47.70 | 70.32 | 64.89 | 67.82 | 69.98 | 90.76 | 79.06 | 78.20 | 53.64 | 62.90 | 67.02 | 64.17 | 50.23 | 68.16 |
MFIAR-Net [89] | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | 72.51 |
SCRDet [55] | 89.98 | 80.65 | 52.09 | 68.36 | 68.36 | 60.32 | 72.41 | 90.85 | 87.94 | 86.86 | 65.02 | 66.68 | 66.25 | 68.24 | 65.21 | 72.61 |
baseline | 87.84 | 76.44 | 45.21 | 67.73 | 64.32 | 59.71 | 68.16 | 88.61 | 78.72 | 79.13 | 52.34 | 58.79 | 64.51 | 67.18 | 44.54 | 66.88 |
ours(SP) | 88.02 | 76.61 | 46.13 | 69.53 | 67.65 | 68.25 | 71.04 | 90.88 | 78.84 | 81.92 | 55.15 | 59.50 | 64.70 | 68.20 | 49.07 | 69.03 |
ours(GA) | 88.28 | 77.12 | 47.87 | 70.63 | 66.33 | 66.37 | 70.19 | 90.86 | 79.64 | 79.47 | 57.35 | 60.88 | 66.17 | 67.33 | 48.56 | 69.14 |
ours(GA+SP) | 89.17 | 77.40 | 51.25 | 71.03 | 73.32 | 72.10 | 84.76 | 90.87 | 80.43 | 85.39 | 58.31 | 62.27 | 67.58 | 70.69 | 60.41 | 72.99 |
ours(GLS-Net) | 88.65 | 77.40 | 51.20 | 71.03 | 73.30 | 72.16 | 84.68 | 90.87 | 80.43 | 85.38 | 58.33 | 62.27 | 67.58 | 70.69 | 60.42 | 72.96 |
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Li, C.; Luo, B.; Hong, H.; Su, X.; Wang, Y.; Liu, J.; Wang, C.; Zhang, J.; Wei, L. Object Detection Based on Global-Local Saliency Constraint in Aerial Images. Remote Sens. 2020, 12, 1435. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs12091435
Li C, Luo B, Hong H, Su X, Wang Y, Liu J, Wang C, Zhang J, Wei L. Object Detection Based on Global-Local Saliency Constraint in Aerial Images. Remote Sensing. 2020; 12(9):1435. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs12091435
Chicago/Turabian StyleLi, Chengyuan, Bin Luo, Hailong Hong, Xin Su, Yajun Wang, Jun Liu, Chenjie Wang, Jing Zhang, and Linhai Wei. 2020. "Object Detection Based on Global-Local Saliency Constraint in Aerial Images" Remote Sensing 12, no. 9: 1435. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs12091435
APA StyleLi, C., Luo, B., Hong, H., Su, X., Wang, Y., Liu, J., Wang, C., Zhang, J., & Wei, L. (2020). Object Detection Based on Global-Local Saliency Constraint in Aerial Images. Remote Sensing, 12(9), 1435. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs12091435