4.1. The Singular Value Decomposition Based Entropy
In this section, we discuss the practical implementation of the algorithm to derive the entropy that was described earlier.
Section 2.3 describes how one can determine the entropy for a given matrix of correlations (constructed as shown in
Section 2.1). To determine the time-varying entropy, we use a sliding window of two years (24 observations) and of three years (36 observations), respectively. We use the log-returns of the stocks as given by Equation (
The size of the sliding window is set having in mind two criteria: the necessity of having a reasonable number of observations that would allow computing the correlations, and, second, ensuring enough observations for the second step of the analysis that consists of estimating VAR models. The second window is used in order to have an alternative measure for robustness.
To obtain the time-series for entropy, we start from the beginning of the sample and compute each time the entropy for the two windows of two and three years, respectively. In a recursive manner, we move each time one observation to the right.
Appendix B, we show the log-difference of the entropy measure for the two different windows used. A few observations can be made. First, varying the size of the window does not lead to significantly different results. Secondly, the two financial crises in the sample, i.e., the 2001 tech crash (following the so called “
dot-com bubble”) and the financial crisis between 2007 and 2008 are marked both through a highlighted decreased in entropy. This is also true for 1998, largely corresponding to the crisis in the Asian markets as well as the Russian crisis. The findings here confirm previous results found in [
14] or [
4.2. Do the Macroeconomic and Financial Variables Granger-Cause the Entropy?
In this section, we take a first step towards answering the main research question of the paper: how do macroeconomic and financial shocks affect the entropy of the financial markets? We test here for Granger causality between interest rate (as well as shadow interest rate), the inflation, industrial production index as well as DJIA, on one hand, and the entropy (computed either using a 2-year or a 3-year window), on the other hand.
The role of this step is to establish, in a bivariate setting, whether the selected macroeconomic and financial variables have predictive power with respect to the entropy of financial markets. While this test is limited through the simple use of a bivariate setting and the lack of a structural model, it is still an important step before using a VAR model as we do in the next section.
The results are shown below in
Table 1,
Table 2,
Table 3,
Table 4 and
Table 5. We considered only the case of the log-differenced entropy (in the literature, at the same time, one uses the interest rate as it is, and it does not compute the first difference). The approach is justified by the presence of unit roots (This is a standard way to verify whether a certain series is stationary or not, i.e., whether the series is characterized by a trend or not, either in the form of a deterministic or linear trend, or in the form of a stochastic trend. The presence of a unit root, implying non-stationarity, would distort the results for the Granger causality test) in the entropy taken as an index (see
Appendix C).
Table 1,
Table 2,
Table 3,
Table 4 and
Table 5 show the results of testing for Granger causality. The results indicate some evidence of Granger causality for both types of interest rates (see
Table 1 and
Table 2). The evidence is robust also to changing the size of the window used to compute the entropy.
For the case of the industrial production, the evidence is the strongest, with evidence of Granger causality at almost all the lags. In contrast, there is no evidence for Granger causality from inflation to entropy. Finally, for the case of the DJIA index, the evidence that supports the Granger causality is limited to just one lag.
The evidence presented here, although not enough per se, justifies considering a more extensive econometric framework in the next section.
4.3. Analyzing the Impact of Monetary Policy Shocks on Entropy
In this section, we aim at answering the main research question in this paper: if and how financial and macroeconomic shocks affect the entropy of financial markets. To answer it, we build a VAR model consisting of monthly frequency series. We use the following set of variables: , where is the monthly index of industrial production, is the consumer price index, stands for the interest rate, is the entropy measure and, finally, represents the index level of DJIA. All variables with a in front are log-differenced.
Formally, the VAR model is written as follows:
stands for the vector of time series as detailed above, having a dimension
c is a vector of constants
stand for matrices of coefficients of dimension
stands for a vector of dimensions
of innovations. We also assume that
is white noise, i.e.,
the covariance matrix and
, for
The variables, except the interest rate (as it is a custom in the literature), are log-differenced, since they have a unit root (see
Appendix C). We tested for the lag order using multiple information criteria. For both models considered, the tests indicate that the optimal number of lags is of two, see
Appendix D.
We consider a baseline estimation, with the federal funds rate as the measure for the interest rate, and, additionally, the shadow policy rate, for an alternative estimation. Furthermore, for robustness, we also consider an alternative measure of entropy based on a three-year moving window.
To identify the structural shocks, including the monetary policy shocks, we use a Choleski ordering of the variables, with the following ordering: industrial production, consumer price index, interest rate, entropy, DOW 30. This is a rather typical ordering, with the variables moving the fastest, i.e., the stock market variables (including the entropy) ordered as last. The setting implies that the industrial production and the consumer price index do not contemporaneously react to interest rate changes, while the interest change does not respond to contemporaneous changes in the entropy measure or in the stock market.
This approach allows us to uncover whether the macroeconomic and financial variables considered here have any statistically significant impact on the main variable of interest, i.e., the entropy of the financial markets. The approach relies on a certain setting for identifying the structural shocks, see above, and thus it is better fit to answer the main question of the paper as compared to the simple Granger test for causality.
The results for the estimated baseline VAR models using the federal funds rate as the interest rate are shown below. We present the impact of the different structural shocks on entropy. The x-axis indicates the horizon of the response in months. log_entropy2y is the log-difference for entropy using a two-year window, while log_entropy3y is computed using a 3-year window, log_ip is the log-difference for industrial production, intrate is the interest rate used in the model and log_dow is the log-difference of the DJIA index.
Figure 1 and
Figure 2 show the impact of structural shocks from the baseline VAR model on entropy. We remark positive and statistically significant responses following shocks in the industrial production or the DJIA index. The results are robust to the use of a different window to compute the entropy. There is also a slightly positive response following a monetary policy shock; however, the response is not statistically significant (i.e., the confidence bands include the zero value).
We also performed a robustness exercise, using a similar setting and the same variables, except the interest rate, for which the shadow rate is used. The alternative estimates are shown in
Appendix E. When looking at the results, we can see that the findings are similar to the ones discussed above. Again, there are positive responses following shocks in industrial production and DJIA.
This section provides a tentative answer to the main question of the paper: if and how do the macroeconomic and financial variables influence the entropy measure of financial markets. We found that there is a statistically significant role for industrial production and the DJIA index. While we would have expected a statistically significant impact of the stock market dynamics, the finding related to the industrial production index raises interesting issues that are worth studying further.
This finding could imply that the connections between the nodes of the financial market also reflect a strong connection with the real economy. On one hand, we know that stocks tend to organize themselves in financial networks in clusters following the specific of their activity (see, for example, [
5]). On the other hand, the link could also potentially indicate that the correlations between the stocks become stronger or weaker following also the changes in the real economy.