Board of Trustees group photo

The University of Maine System is committed to educational excellence amongst its seven public universities.

The Board consists of 16 members, 15 of which are appointed by the Governor and approved by the Maine Legislature. The Maine Commissioner of Education serves as a member ex officio. Members are appointed for a five-year term and may be reappointed once. A student member of the Board is appointed for a single two-year term.

Next meeting:

October 25, 2024 – Special Board Meeting

November 17-18, 2024

Citizen Comment at Board Meetings

The Board of Trustees will set aside time for citizen comment prior to the business agenda at each meeting. The Chair of the Board will establish time limits (usually three minutes per person) and determine any questions of appropriateness and relevancy. 

Personnel decisions, collective bargaining issues, grievances, litigation and other areas excludable from public discussion under the Maine Freedom of Access Law shall not constitute appropriate matters for such input.  A person who wishes to speak during the citizen comment period should arrive prior to the meeting start time and sign up on a sheet provided, indicating name and topic of remarks.

For any Board Meetings that are scheduled to occur virtually, a link will appear in this box that will allow you to virtually sign up to provide Citizen Comment.

Board Calendar

The Board of Trustees sets with the discretion of the Chair of the Board, meeting calendars for both Board and Committee Meetings by Fiscal Year. Click the Board Calendar link to learn more about when the Board and it’s Committees are planning to meet.

Strategic Plan

Learn more about the comprehensive and system-wide strategic planning effort to ensure the effective coordination and assessment of strategic activities that fulfill our tripartite mission to benefit all University of Maine System students and the State of Maine.


The Board of Trustees oversees the System in areas such as academic programs, faculty tenure, tuition rates and operating budgets.

There are currently 7 standing Board Committees.

Contacting the Board of Trustees

Clerk of the Board, Elizabeth Stickler, administers all functions necessary to the conduct of its responsibilities.  Contact the Board of Trustees Office at:

University of Maine System
Board of Trustee Office
15 Estabrooke Drive, Orono, ME  04469
[email protected]

If you are unable to access any of the materials on this page, or if you require additional information, please contact the Board Office at [email protected] or by phone at 207-581-5844 to discuss options for obtaining equally effective access to such materials.