Building a CD Pipeline Using LKE (Part 4): Kubernetes Review

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Slide deck: Cloud Native Continuous Deployment with GitLab, Helm, and Linode Kubernetes Engine: Quick Kubernetes review (Slide #62)

Kubernetes Review

This is an optional part of the series that provides an introduction to Kubernetes. It covers deploying a simple application on Kubernetes and each of the components that are involved (such as pods, controllers, and services).

Presentation Text

Here’s a copy of the text contained within this section of the presentation. A link to the source file can be found within each slide of the presentation. Some formatting may have been changed.

Quick Kubernetes review

  • Let’s deploy a simple HTTP server
  • And expose it to the outside world!
  • Feel free to skip this section if you’re familiar with Kubernetes

Creating a container

  • On Kubernetes, one doesn’t simply run a container
  • We need to create a “Pod”
  • A Pod will be a group of containers running together (often, it will be a group of one container)
  • We can create a standalone Pod, but generally, we’ll use a controller (for instance: Deployment, Replica Set, Daemon Set, Job, Stateful Set…)
  • The controller will take care of scaling and recreating the Pod if needed (note that within a Pod, containers can also be restarted automatically if needed)

A controller, you said?

  • We’re going to use one of the most common controllers: a Deployment
  • Deployments…
    • can be scaled (will create the requested number of Pods)
    • will recreate Pods if e.g. they get evicted or their Node is down
  • handle rolling updates
  • Deployments actually delegate a lot of these tasks to Replica Sets
  • We will generally have the following hierarchy: Deployment → Replica Set → Pod

Creating a Deployment

  • Without further ado: kubectl create deployment web --image=nginx
  • Check what happened: kubectl get all
  • Wait until the NGINX Pod is “Running”!
  • Note: kubectl create deployment is great when getting started…
  • … But later, we will probably write YAML instead!

Exposing the Deployment

  • We need to create a Service

  • We can use kubectl expose for that (but, again, we will probably use YAML later!)

  • For internal use, we can use the default Service type, ClusterIP:

    kubectl expose deployment web --port=80
  • For external use, we can use a Service of type LoadBalancer:

    kubectl expose deployment web --port=80 --type=LoadBalancer

Changing the Service type

  • We can kubectl delete service web and recreate it
  • Or, kubectl edit service web and dive into the YAML
  • Or, kubectl patch service web --patch '{"spec": {"type": "LoadBalancer"}}'
  • … These are just a few “classic” methods; there are many ways to do this!

Deployment → Pod

  • Can we check exactly what’s going on when the Pod is created?
  • Option 1: watch kubectl get all
    • displays all object types
    • refreshes every 2 seconds
    • puts a high load on the API server when there are many objects
  • Option 2: kubectl get pods --watch --output-watch-events
    • can only display one type of object
    • will show all modifications happening (à la tail -f)
    • doesn’t put a high load on the API server (except for initial display)

Recreating the Deployment

  • Let’s delete our Deployment: kubectl delete deployment web
  • Watch Pod updates: kubectl get pods --watch --output-watch-events
  • Recreate the Deployment and see what Pods do: kubectl create deployment web --image=nginx

Service stability

  • Our Service still works even though we deleted and re-created the Deployment
  • It wouldn’t have worked while the Deployment was deleted, though
  • A Service is a stable endpoint

This page was originally published on

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