when i create a linode server / machine does it take from my billing card or from my $100 promo code that i have in my settings?

i was wondering this because i want to use the promo code for the 60 days and then my card if i like it or just use the promo code and if i dont like the service i can just cancel my linode and dont get charged on my card?

1 Reply

During signup, our payment processor *may attempt to test the viability of your card using an authorization charge of $1. Otherwise, if you have an active $100/Days "Free Trial" promotional credit, that credit will be used *before* your credit card until it either expires or is fully depleted.

We do still charge for Linodes that are powered off but are not deleted. This is because even while powered off, the virtualization resources remain exclusively reserved for your immediate use and your data is actively preserved on your disk allocations. A simple comparison would be renting a storage locker - you are charged regardless of how you use it since no one else can utilize that locker while it is in your possession.

In order to stop accruing charges on any service, that service will need to be fully deleted. Please be mindful that our billing is retroactive for services already rendered (not proactive like a subscription model), so deleted Linodes will still appear on the following month's invoice.

For more information about how our billing system works, be sure to review the following guides:


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