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Custom RDNS

Hi guys, I'm just curious if it is possible to attach my domain to the linode RDNS?

ex: hostname.ip.linodeusercontent.com
domain: mydomain (configured in A/AAAA records)
RDNS: mydomain.ip.linodeusercontent.com

or create a subdomain? Im also a little comfused.

3 Replies

✓ Best Answer

Setting an rDNS/PTR record for a Linode is possible once the related A/AAAA records have also been created and have propagated. As long as those A/AAAA records exist and can be queried by our DNS servers, it doesn't matter if you are using the primary domain or a subdomain for reverse DNS.

For more information about creating an rDNS record and for DNS records in general, be sure to review the following documentation:

Yes, it is possible to configure reverse DNS (rDNS) on your Linode instance, but it requires a few steps. Linode’s rDNS setup typically involves associating a domain name with the IP address of your Linode server. To achieve this, you should first set up an A record in your domain’s DNS settings pointing to your Linode’s IP address. Then, you need to configure the reverse DNS entry by contacting Linode support or using their DNS management tools if available. For the rDNS entry to match your desired format, such as mydomain.ip.linodeusercontent.com, you would need to set up a PTR record that points from your IP address to your domain. Alternatively, you can create a subdomain and configure it as needed, but keep in mind that rDNS typically resolves to the primary domain or subdomain associated with the IP address. Make sure you follow Linode’s guidelines for rDNS configuration and consult their documentation or support team if you need assistance. I hope it does help you. I needed a well-written case study for my assignment, so I turned to https://academized.com/case-study-writing-service for assistance. The writer assigned to my project did an excellent job of analyzing the case and presenting the findings in a clear and concise manner. The case study was well-researched, well-organized, and delivered on time. The quality of the work was exceptional, and I received positive feedback from my professor. I highly recommend this service for anyone needing help with their case studies.


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