✓ Solved

My signup was flagged as "fraudulent behavior"

Linode Staff

I tried to signup for Linode, but my signup was flagged as "fraudulent behavior". What steps can I take from here to try and get an account with Linode?

11 Replies

✓ Best Answer

If we did not approve your signup, you have two options.

First, you can try signing up again. There's a couple of reasons your signup may have been flagged that you can address. These include:

  1. Make sure all of the information you enter at signup is accurate. The account name and address should correspond to the cardholder who is financially responsible for the account. This also includes using a real name in the name field, rather than company name. This includes not using the company name in the Name field - it should only be used in the Company field.

  2. If you used a VPN to create your account, try to sign up without a VPN. Some VPNs have a history of being used for fraudulent or illicit activity, which may have caused your account to be flagged as high risk.

  3. There is no restriction on the number of Linode accounts you may have. However, if we determine that you are creating multiple accounts in an attempt to bypass restrictions or limits on an existing account, we may prevent you from creating new accounts.

The other option is to reach out to Support:

You can send an email to support@linode.com that includes the last 6 digits of the payment card the signup used and either the email address or username used. Feel free to include any other information that you feel would be helpful to us when reviewing. Should we reverse the decision and activate your account, we'll follow up with you.

If you do not receive a reply, it means we did not overturn our previous decision.

We're also available 24/7 by phone at 855-4-LINODE (855-454-6633), or Intl.: +1 609-380-7100. You'll need the same information to authenticate you to your signup as you would if you email us. We'll use that to locate your signup, though we will likely not be able to review the earlier decision while on the phone.

Update to my earlier post:

We recently launched a new web form to reach out to support. To start, you'll need to select an option under the "What do you need help with" prompt. For signups flagged as fraudulent, you'll want the "I'm having other login or account issues" option:

Contact Support | Linode, now Akamai

i got the rejection few times, i able to write this because my account is on review, but when its rejected (signup canceleled) i cannot see the tickets that i have created about this issue, or even to login to write a post about this

so the support on the article above is not ideal, still stuck at the Sign up cancelled

they cancel immediately without reason, bad provider

Bad experience in linode signup always cancle problem

why u cancel my account but still take money in my bank?

Our payment processor performs a pre-authorization charge (typically $1) to test the legitimacy of all payment methods before approving them. This pre-authorization charge is temporarily held while the transaction is tested for approval before it is released back to your card or digital account (PayPal/GooglePay).

Edit: Regardless of whether or not a signup is accepted, if you are charged for preauthorization, that money will be returned to the payment method that was charged.

me too i dont know why the reason

My signup was flagged as "fraudulent behavior"
is just a new word for

WE Are full go elsewhere
because how would they do that
I meet everything even using my own mobile network to signup

Like their staff are BOT now making all joins as FAILED even on real IP you can`t even Join them

is because of their sponsors took over their platform

tried to signup linode account with "[email protected]"
but received signup cancellation. Also submit the ticket with the web form. Waiting for the response.
I already have an linode account for my personal use.
I've to create another account for my organization (non-government,non-profit organization) to host the DHIS2 servers for monitoring the project progress.
I tried from Myanmar with both gmail and my business email and all attempts received "Signup cancellation" email.
I requested my friend from Singapore to create a linode account for me and that attempt also received "Signup cancellation" email.
Is linode not accepting the new users?


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