From the course: Understanding and Supporting LGBTQ+ Employees

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Acknowledge LGBTQ+ workplace barriers

Acknowledge LGBTQ+ workplace barriers

- What kind of social power do you hold at work? As you consider your response, you might say that this all depends on the circumstance. And you are 100% right. Chances are, if you are a cisgender, straight, and gender-conforming person, you may hold a great deal of power while your LGBTQ+ colleagues are likely to endure barriers. In this video, I'm going to lead an imagination exercise to help you acknowledge a few barriers your LGBTQ+ colleagues endure. Let's begin by taking a deep breath in, closing our eyes, and then imagine an average workday for one of your colleagues, Sarah, a lesbian transgender woman. Sarah is a brilliant marketer. You value her ability to win LGBTQ+ consumers' brand loyalty and their $1 trillion annual purchasing power. During a recent meeting with her, she mentions a few challenges related to her gender transition on the job that started six months ago. Sarah said that she's still getting…
