From the course: Strategic Partnerships

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Alliance management as a job

Alliance management as a job

From the course: Strategic Partnerships

Alliance management as a job

- Strategic partnerships have exploded on the scene in the last 20 years. With that explosion came a new job function in many companies, the alliance manager. That's the term that's often used for this position. It means relationship manager or partnership manager. This is the person who manages the life of the alliance. That's Step Four in our partnership process. This job is critical to the success of your deal. So what's in this new job, and what are the best ways to practice it? We can learn a lot by seeing how some big companies do it. You may not have the resources of an Eli Lilly or a Bayer or a Corning Glass. But these companies have honed alliance management to a science. Let's focus on two aspects: the skills that the alliance manager needs and where in the organization the manager sits. Successful alliance managers have certain skills in common. They need to communicate well with a partner as well as internally in their own company. They need to advocate for their side, but…
