From the course: Nonprofit Management Foundations

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Understanding different legal entities for social purpose organizations

Understanding different legal entities for social purpose organizations

From the course: Nonprofit Management Foundations

Understanding different legal entities for social purpose organizations

- It used to seem simple. If you wanted to make a difference in the world, you joined with or launched a non-profit. If you wanted to make a profit, you invested in or launched a business. If ever the world were so neatly divided, it isn't today. Society is changing its expectations of both nonprofits and businesses. We ask more from companies, than that they simply give away donation to good causes. We expect them to be good corporate citizens, and help advance social and environmental solutions. And today, being a mission-driven organization doesn't necessarily mean you will be running a traditional charitable nonprofit. In the field of affordable housing, for instance, there are nonprofits providing decent affordable housing to low-income people, through volunteer groups like Habitat for Humanity. But there are also also for-profit corporations that develop affordable housing for low-income people. Or in the area of education reform. Privately-run charter schools are giving…
