From the course: Nonprofit Management Foundations

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Understanding board governance

Understanding board governance

- Every nonprofit starts out by establishing a board of directors. You're required by law to have a board. It's actually what allows you to legally operate. Your board's most basic responsibilities are to provide oversight for the group. But, while good governance is necessary, it's not sufficient. Your board members will need to do a lot more if you want to be as effective as possible and delivery fully on your mission. And be forewarned. If you've had experience on a corporate board, it's a whole different ballgame in the nonprofit sector. At its most basic level, an effective nonprofit board contains the right mix of who and what. You've got to recruit great people to serve on your board and persuade them to focus on the most strategic and leveraged activities. If you'd like to know more about the who part of the board, check out another video in this course called Building Your Board. Now, let's look at the what. Here's a list of the key activities performed by nonprofit boards…
