From the course: Nonprofit Management Foundations

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Strategies for scaling impact

Strategies for scaling impact

- Scaling out your impact and scaling up your organization are not always the same thing. You can be creative and find ways to increase your nonprofit's impact without necessarily increasing the size or your geographic footprint. The best nonprofits are successful because they focus more of their efforts on driving change externally than they do just managing internally within their four walls. High-impact nonprofits constantly seek ways to work across sectors. They introduce policy solutions that can impact state and nation-level systems. They leverage market forces, working through the private sector to hitch capitalism to their cause. They build movements of countless individuals and they collaborate with their nonprofit peers to move the needle on issues. As a result, while some of the highest impact nonprofits that I've studied grew to become quite large, Habitat for Humanity, for instance, operates on a worldwide budget of two billion with affiliates in more than 100 countries…
