From the course: Nonprofit Management Foundations

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Sharing power and authority inside and outside of the organization

Sharing power and authority inside and outside of the organization

From the course: Nonprofit Management Foundations

Sharing power and authority inside and outside of the organization

- The management consultant and author Peter Drucker would often say to his clients, "It's amazing what you can accomplish "when you don't worry about who gets the credit." Now, sharing credit, power, and authority may sound like a great idea, but actually, it's pretty hard to do. And the nonprofit sectors, littered with corpses of organizations launched by visionary, charismatic founders, only to be stifled because the founder tried to hold too much control. Other nonprofits fall short of their full potential because they don't invest in developing the leadership bench strength they need to sustain their mission over the long term, so they implode from the pressure of too many demands on the executive director who doesn't have adequate support that you need to avoid burnout. Yet, another class of nonprofits are strangled by their board of directors. They meddle too much and micromanage the group to tedious lengths. And then, on the other hand, there's those nonprofits that wither…
