From the course: Nonprofit Management Foundations

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Foundation grants

Foundation grants

- Every nonprofit leader dreams of winning a big grant from a major private foundation like Gates or Carnegie. But the reality is, only a relatively small handful of nonprofits actually do. And remember that foundations give out only about 15% of more than the $300 billion that's donated to charities in the United States. This adds up to about $40 billion each year. And the nonprofits that land these grants are often well-established larger nonprofits that have proven a viable idea and they're ready to scale or they're already operating at scale. And obtaining foundation grants require significant time on your time and also if you have one a development team. Sometimes startups and smaller nonprofits can win a big foundation grant, but they usually have really well-connected boards and other ways to access decision makers at the major foundations. But large or small, every nonprofit follows the same basic steps to getting foundation grants. Before going into that let me explain the…
