From the course: Nonprofit Management Foundations

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Building your board

Building your board

- Nonprofit boards are a curious thing. Some boards are highly prestigious, movers and shakers clammer to get a seat on boards at educational institutions like Harvard or the big art museum in town or hot up and coming nonprofits like Teach for America or These types of board seats can be viewed as plum positions. They're a feather in the cap of the board member who can benefit as much from being associated with that cause than they contribute to it. But for most nonprofits, including yours, the vast majority probably don't offer so much in the way of prestige or elite connections at first. Instead, you need hard working board members who are talented, passionate and committed to your cause, and who can really roll up their sleeves and do the work that's required. Now the essential roles of board members include legal and financial oversight, strategic advising and fundraising. So you want to look for some members with training at disciplines such as law, finance and…
