From the course: Nonprofit Fundraising Tips

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Key giving drivers

Key giving drivers

- What drives people to give can range from achieving a social status, to receiving a tax break, to just wanting to further a cause. But one thing all donors have in common is the desire to give back or help someone in need. People of all ages donate their time or money, and it's important that you, as a fundraiser, don't make assumptions about someone's giving abilities or key giving drivers. Though some would like to assume that young affluent Americans may have immature perspectives of philanthropy, you may find that younger wealthy donors are truly concerned with impact and driven by values, values they may have learned from generations of family members. Have you noticed that your younger donors have family ties to your organization's mission? These donors may even fund some of the same organizations their families have supported for many years. Younger generations see their predecessors as more motivated by desire…
