From the course: Nonprofit Fundraising Tips

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Getting motivated

Getting motivated

- Take a moment to reflect on what motivates you every day. Maybe it's a goal you want to reach, a competition you want to enter, or something you want to buy. These motivations are the starting point in determining the goals you will set for yourself in order to achieve the desired result. Like you, your organization is also motivated. It is motivated to help people and further its mission. There are six pillars that comprise the concept of successful fundraising. In this video, I'm going to focus on the importance of your organization's motivation and outline different types, fear motivation, incentive motivation, and attitude motivation. I will also give you the tools you need to achieve your organization's goals. Motivation is the reason you act upon any thought, feeling, wish, or goal. It's your impetus to begin a task, the incentive to expand your effort, and your willingness to sustain the effort until you've…
