From the course: Nonprofit Fundraising Tips

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Examples of positioning statements

Examples of positioning statements

From the course: Nonprofit Fundraising Tips

Examples of positioning statements

- How many of your volunteers, staff, and board members can succinctly articulate your organization's position in the market? Hopefully, the answer is all of them. Knowing your organization's position in the market and why someone should invest in you and the cause you represent is key to your success. I'm going to discuss a couple great examples of strong positioning statements from well known national organizations that I'm confident you've heard of to help you get a better idea of what positioning statements are and what makes them effective. First, Mothers Against Drunk Driving, also known as MADD. Their positioning statement is crusaders for aggressive drunk driving policy and action, and national leaders in prevention and victim assistance. This succinct statement tells you so much. It makes clear that advocating for policy is the top priority for MADD. It also tells us that the organization is working on a…
