From the course: Nonprofit Fundraising Tips

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Evolving landscape

Evolving landscape

- Do you remember a time when your phone didn't give you instant internet access at your fingertips? Believe it or not, smartphone were virtually non-existent a decade ago. If you're over the age of 35, you'll likely recall printing out driving directions from MapQuest before we had instant access to GPS and real time traffic updates via apps like Waze. Technology has changed the world, and fundraising is not immune to the tremendous impact. Our world is more connected than ever. This truth makes your job even more interesting because you not only need to exercise your high emotional intelligence in face to face interactions, you also need to stay in tune with the latest technology and online giving trends. You'll want to get up to speed on a few newer forms of fundraising that have gained incredible traction in recent years. Online giving has created a new standard and a new set of expectations for fundraising. I'm…
