From the course: Maya 2022 Essential Training
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Understanding the Hypergraph - Maya Tutorial
From the course: Maya 2022 Essential Training
Understanding the Hypergraph
- [Instructor] In addition to the Outliner, you can also view your scene details in an editor called the Hypergraph. And this gives you a more graphic representation of your scene. Now you can find the Hypergraph window under Windows, General Editors, and you'll see we have two options here, Hypergraph Hierarchy and Hypergraph Connections. We're going to start off with Hypergraph Hierarchy, because that's the most like the Outliner. Now, when I open this, you'll see that we have nodes for every single object in the scene. But it's laid out in kind of a graphical representation. And this is actually can be very nice, because it's a great way to view your scenes. So if I were to select the Buildings group, you could see the building select. Or I could select individual nodes in those buildings. And also the same for the donut truck, for one it's like that, or select individual objects such as the wheels, I can do that.…
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