From the course: Maya 2022 Essential Training
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Reset and freeze transformations - Maya Tutorial
From the course: Maya 2022 Essential Training
Reset and freeze transformations
- When we manipulate objects in Maya by moving, rotating and scaling them, we change the values of where they are in space. Now, there are many times where there are positions where we really want the objects to be. And so we want that position to be our zero and makes it easy for us to get back to that position. So here I have a simple tray and some donuts and let's say I wanted to put the donuts on the tray. While I select the tray and I move it towards the center of the scene. And then I Shift + select all of the donuts and let's go ahead and move those in and position those on the tray. Make sure they're on top of the tray. And then once we do that, you'll see that all of these values are kind of somewhat random and we want the donuts to actually be on the tray. And so we want this to be our zero position. We can do this by using a function called, Reset and Freeze Transformations. So we're going to start off with…
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Select objects3m 41s
Use the Move tool3m 31s
Rotate and scale2m 36s
Manipulate pivots3m 12s
Duplicate objects2m 16s
Understanding the Channel Box2m 55s
Work with the Attribute editor2m 45s
Reset and freeze transformations2m 48s
Snapping objects2m 29s