From the course: Management Tips

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Working with people you don't like

Working with people you don't like

From the course: Management Tips

Working with people you don't like

Every person is terribly unique. We all have different personalities. That's why it's inevitable that there are some people with whom we'll naturally feel comfortable, and there are other people with whom we'll feel naturally uncomfortable. As you climb your career ladder, you will be asked to work with a few people you don't like. I'm not referring to people you dislike because they're bullies or because they regularly have ethical lapses. Those are special cases that require special attention. Instead, I'm referring to the person who is basically a good employee but who nonetheless rubs you the wrong way. Maybe they are always negative. Maybe they always kiss up to the boss, or maybe they ramble on and never know when to be quiet. Who knows, there's a million possibilities. In any case, remember this, you're not unique, everyone has to endure people they don't enjoy. Knowing that doesn't make this person somehow fun, but it does put things in perspective. Also, realize that your…
