From the course: Management Tips

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Why it's smart to share your uncertainties

Why it's smart to share your uncertainties

From the course: Management Tips

Why it's smart to share your uncertainties

- As professionals, we all feel the need to put our best foot forward to manage impressions. In modest amounts, that's good. You should try to act professional and competent. However, we very often take that too far. The desire to look competent often results in people not expressing themselves, not asking questions and not being critical when they should. Remember the best work relationships are shared between people who know and respect each other as humans not just as professionals. That means you have to gain comfort talking about uncertainties, learning curves, mistakes and so on. The problem is that in most countries people are conditioned from a young age to fear failure and feel bad about mistakes. We're made to feel bad about uncertainties. This of course is very damaging since making mistakes and confronting uncertainties is a completely normal part of moving along a learning curve. It's an unavoidable requirement for success. Maybe you can't change the educational systems…
