From the course: Management Tips

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Using persuasion at work

Using persuasion at work

From the course: Management Tips

Using persuasion at work

Contrary to popular belief, persuasion is not a bad thing. It's a natural part of productive communication at work. Let's be clear, persuasion is an honest and well-intentioned attempt to get someone to think or act in a particular way. To persuade is not to manipulate. Manipulation is a dishonest attempt to get someone to think or act in a way that serves you with the intent of hurting the other person, or at least without the intent of really helping them. Being persuasive begins before you enter into a conversation. Step 1 is always to be focused on building a great track record of performance. The more credible you are, the more persuasive you will be. Next, never forget to serve others as much as you serve yourself. When you find ways to be supportive and lend a helping hand people respect your character. And that makes you more persuasive. Finally when prepping for a meeting or a conversation be sure to think about the people as much as you think about your arguments. Know the…
