From the course: Management Tips

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Understanding change capacity

Understanding change capacity

From the course: Management Tips

Understanding change capacity

- For years now, we have all believed that change is the only constant, and it's true. So true, that companies and teams all over the world have tried to embrace this reality by changing who they are and what they do as rapidly as possible. In some ways, this makes sense. In a few ways, it's actually a problem. The biggest problem concerns what I think of as change capacity. This refers to an organization's ability to adopt new ways of doing things within a given performance period. Put simply, we can only successfully adopt so many new change-related projects each year because our capacity is finite. Even under the best of circumstances, making a real change happen at work is very difficult. You have to know how to create a burning platform for change, to sell the change to everyone affected, to train and educate people for what's coming, to collaborate and include key people when making decisions, to correctly follow up to ensure adoption. That's a lot of work. Now, imagine trying…
