From the course: Management Tips

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Understanding averages and exceptions

Understanding averages and exceptions

From the course: Management Tips

Understanding averages and exceptions

The thing about learning new management techniques is that you first have to learn the idea, the tool, or the technique, and then you have to learn when to use it. It's really about knowing the difference between averages and exceptions. For example, on average, that is to say typically, you deal with a disgruntled employee by doing A, B, and C. However, under certain conditions, those standard solutions don't apply. In that case, you should do something different. These are the exceptions to the rule. There are many common ways this plays out everyday at work. Consider these examples. First, let's think about goals. The common advice is that all goals should be reasonable, modestly challenging, but reasonable, so that it won't feel unobtainable and thus demotivational. It's a good rule, but there are less frequent times when you wish to use stretch goals. They go by different names. But the idea is simple, don't be reasonable. Push hard for an outrageous goal that forces them to…
