From the course: Management Tips

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The three kinds of resumes

The three kinds of resumes

From the course: Management Tips

The three kinds of resumes

- It's usually not difficult to find applicants for a job. In general, the issue is not finding candidates, it's finding the right person in that huge pile of good resumes. You're looking for a person who has the needed expertise and credentials, who is honestly interested in joining the team and a person with communication skills and a demeanor that will complement the team. Sounds pretty easy, right? It actually becomes quite complex since we're all rushed for time and have limited information on each candidate. As a result we often make a few predictable mental mistakes. Probably the biggest tendency is to drop each candidate into one of three common categories. They are the rockstar, the rebel and the safe choice. Let's briefly think about each one. First up is the rockstar. They are awesome. They're among the very best applicants. They have all the right degrees and credentials. They have academic and career pedigree that impresses. Their personal successes are way above average.…
