From the course: Management Tips

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The keys to great conversation

The keys to great conversation

From the course: Management Tips

The keys to great conversation

At work, the great communicators always have an advantage. They know how to have great conversations. Even if some of them have an inherent advantage thanks to the personality they were given, don't forget having great conversations is a skill anyone can learn. First, be in the moment. No multitasking allowed. You show respect and you hear the message more clearly, when you focus only on the conversation. Don't check your phone for messages, don't look away a lot. Don't look at your computer, and so on. Give them your undivided attention, and they'll respect you more. Next, do yourself a favor by not bringing up or introducing controversial topics. The most common suspects are religion and politics. You might have strong views on particular issues, but your goal is to respect that everyone has different perspectives. Controversial topics are best discussed within friendship relationships outside of work. To have great conversations, don't forget to use good nonverbal behaviors too…
