From the course: Management Tips

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Not all best practices are best

Not all best practices are best

From the course: Management Tips

Not all best practices are best

For decades now, we've been talking about best practices. A best practice is a technique or way of doing something that has consistently shown results superior to those achieved by other means. Thus, it's considered a benchmark. In business, it's a popular buzz word. And in any given area of industry, you'll find many best practices for any functional area of the organization. The truth is, we've become far too comfortable accepting best practices as useful. Sometimes, they might be right for you. And other times, they might not. It doesn't matter what best practice you're talking about. It might be a type of software one should use for some aspect of finance or maybe a new trend. An employee on boarding, or some new technique for online advertising. For any best practice, it might work for you or it might not. Sometimes, believe it or not, they can even do damage. The truth is, there really is no such thing as a best practice. Every single organization is different. Different people,…
