From the course: Management Tips

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Navigating common ethical dilemmas

Navigating common ethical dilemmas

From the course: Management Tips

Navigating common ethical dilemmas

Here's a great quote to remember. Ethics are not edicts your boss picks. That's a funny way of saying, that you are the first and last person responsible for your moral and ethical compass. You need to develop your ethical base and keep your eyes open. Because, you will run across areas of professional life. I call the gray area. That refers to times that you have to make a decision. But knowing right from wrong isn't as clear as you wish it were. Things don't feel black and white. They're gray. That's an ethical dilemma of some sort. And that's exactly the time you need a strong ethical base. The next time you face some of that gray area, ask yourself these four questions to help you navigate the possibilities. First, what are you options? This is the easy part. Regardless of the ethical issues at play, what are the possible answers? Be very specific about how each one helps you and all other relevant stake holders. Don't judge them ethically. But only based on how well they solve…
