From the course: Management Tips

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Motivating team members

Motivating team members

From the course: Management Tips

Motivating team members

Many people think that motivation is somehow a mystery. It's not. Others think it's as simple as giving people tangible things they desire, like money or maybe gift cards. That too, is overly simplistic. In fact, the research on motivation is pretty clear. What works best is not money or similar tangible incentives. Believe it or not, sometimes those can be seen as bribes instead of thank yous. What your team really wants doesn't cost a penny. The key to motivation won't break your budget. That's because motivation is more about behaviors and your understanding of relationships instead of things you give people. Here are four great examples of behaviors that can build motivation in your team. First, be sure to offer great clarity in terms of performance expectations. This is part of one of my favorite motivation rules. Always reduce ambiguity. When communicating in any way, strive to add clarity not ambiguity. Do this by repeating yourself, asking them to repeat back to you, and…
