From the course: Management Tips

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Maximizing personal potential

Maximizing personal potential

From the course: Management Tips

Maximizing personal potential

You know who really inspires me? People who maximize their potential. Research suggests that it's a distinct minority of people who have the discipline to become the very best version of themselves possible. What about you? Do you have what it takes? Here's what we know about really successful people, capable of maximizing their potential. First, people who reach their potential take personal responsibility for their development. They consciously try not to rely on their parents, their boss, their company, or anyone else. They believe they create their own destiny. Next, they're not afraid to take risks. Successful people believe in the old saying, no risk, no reward. Let's be clear, they're smart about it, and strive to take very educated risks. But they refuse to always play it safe. And they do experience fear. But mostly, it's fear of not trying, fear of not learning, and fear of not reaching their potential. Another consistent characteristic that goes on the list is the ability…
