From the course: Management Tips

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Leading with ideas over numbers

Leading with ideas over numbers

From the course: Management Tips

Leading with ideas over numbers

The truth is most planned change fails. By failure, I mean the project did not finish as quickly as planned, it cost too much, or it failed to deliver the projected benefits. The main culprit however usually isn't poor decision making about the main parts of the project. Most of the time, the reason is poor communication and people-related skills. The importance of communication begins right at the beginning when pitching and selling the need for change. Here's where many leaders make a classic mistake. They lead with dry facts and figures. The business case for change, and it's all logical and uninspiring. Nearly all successful change is launched with emotional appeals first, and then facts and figures to follow. Using emotional appeals is a powerful way to gain attention and makes the main points stick in people's minds, without actually using many words or bits of data. Let me make this point by using a quick story. There was a manager of a manufacturing facility, a facility that…
