From the course: Management Tips

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Keeping a virtual team connected

Keeping a virtual team connected

From the course: Management Tips

Keeping a virtual team connected

One of the best parts of modern information technology is the ability to work anywhere at anytime. As a result, teams can be comprised of members who no longer work in the same place. It's common today to have virtual teams made up of members around the world. That's a huge benefit in terms of staffing teams with the talent you feel they really need. However, the rise of virtual teams has also created a new challenge. How to help people who are geographically dispersed feel as if they are meaningfully connected, similar to a traditional team. It can be a challenge, but we know that you can foster a feeling of connectedness within your virtual team by following these four essential tips. First, be sure to choose the best technology to support your team's communication. That might include Skype, FaceTime, various types of online collaboration software, email, telephone, or most likely, a combination of all of these. Strive to use the most reliable and highest quality communication…
