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How to show respect

How to show respect

- One of the biggest challenges we face in building relationships is learning how to focus on others more than ourselves. Too often when trying to relate to others, we retreat towards the safety of talking about what we know, what we like, and what we've accomplished. In short, these ways of showing competence help us feel confident. Understandable, but we very often overindulge these tendencies. I want you to be aware of that to check those normal reactions and instead to spend a little time engaging behaviors that demonstrate respect, thus building a little comfort and trust. That's rapport. You start showing respect by being supportive and helpful. Supportive means useful and affirmative comments. Helpful refers to taking the time to lend a hand or have a good conversation when needed. Beyond these common sense answers, let's think about a few other great behaviors that help you demonstrate respect. Let me start with one of my favorites. Asking questions to make someone the expert.…
